For my fellow Christians do not be to quick to believe something - TopicsExpress


For my fellow Christians do not be to quick to believe something just because its a video on FB with a lot of likes.... I am not trying to start something. I just want to remind you that science is a real thing. I mean I believe in god and all but no where does the laws of thermodynamics ever talk about chaos.... and order... he does not have a full understanding of evolution... ...Just because its science does not mean faith is not able to be there. What I dont understand with some people is that they completely rule out science of being and possible beginning of anything.... God CAN do both... what if he just did it in a why that he wanted us to discover... what parent is not proud of a smart child? He gave us science to discover him..... Here is a list of Documented evolution... listverse/.../8-examples-of-evolution-in-action/ Again not meaning to ruffle feathers... but its videos like this that do damage... I dont fully Understand the laws of thermodynamics but what he is talking about is Entropy. ((2nd law of thermodynamics which asserts the irreversibility of natural processes, and the tendency of natural processes to lead towards spatial homogeneity of matter and energy, and especially of temperature.... ))and he kinda is looking at it in a simple form....not looking at the whole picture...what it really means... just like atheist and some christians look at bible verses with out looking at the whole meaning of the story.... here https://youtube/watch?v=CgppGozbFd4 the word Uni-verse is latin he is going from latin, to english? how about sticking with latin here.... Uni (Latin) - Meaning one Vertere/Versus (Latin) - Meaning turn • so ... Universus/Universum - means to turn into one over years of language and adapting you get the Late Middle English - word Universe... to become one....SMH
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:20:40 +0000

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