For past generations Americanism was a program designed - TopicsExpress


For past generations Americanism was a program designed specifically for Youth. Our Legion family task was less complicated as we knew the parents provided information in the home and the teachers were allowed to provide information in the schools. We have our work cut out for us today in this age where single parenting is more the norm than the exception. Schools are encouraged to provide information that is more politically correct and less apt to offend. In the schools they teach the constitution in a spirit I do not believe our founding fathers intended. Freedom of speech has been mutated to infer that it is acceptable to mishandle, disrespect or even walk across the flag of our great nation as long as you are trying to tell a story. When I was young everyone I went to school with regardless of their race or religion shared commonalities that no longer seem to exist today. We had great pride in our nation, our way of life and we were all aware of the prices that were paid to create and maintain this great democracy. So, our work is really cut out for us and we need to become innovative in our approach to Americanism within our communities. I was honored when Commander Hicks asked me to lead the Americanism program at the beginning of his term and impressed when he asked me to think outside the box and develop a 5 year plan to revitalize Americanism in our community. Post 61’s Executive Committee readily approved a plan and provided funds for books about geography and Liberty to be given out in the grade schools. The Marine JROTC of Tolleson H.S. will take these materials and an invitation for the elementary students and their families to come to the Post so they can know our true purpose in the community. Our hope is that the Cadets aged between 15 and 18 will connect with these children in a way we could not achieve. These children might grow to be more aware and more productive in our society. This 5 year plan is far reaching; reaching past Americanism and into Membership and Community Service. With your help we will get our message out and the Avondale, Tolleson and nearby communities will know it’s not only OK to be an American, it is OK to proud of being an American. We need your support in our first event on September 27, 2014. We are raising funds for the Marine JROTC of Tolleson H.S. The other schools seem to be waiting to chart the success of this event before they commit to jumping on board. We can achieve our plans with your support. Tickets for the event are available behind the bar and Tolleson H. S. MJROTC had 150 tickets to sell. Wouldn’t it be nice to see 200-300 people at the Post on September 27th? The Marine JROTC will be assisting with the Flag Disposal Ceremonies at dusk on September 27th so make sure you attend and meet these wonderful kids. For God and Country, Frank Myers
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 14:04:38 +0000

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