For several days I have had it on my heart that a response is - TopicsExpress


For several days I have had it on my heart that a response is necessary due to a few posts and articles I have seen on the social media sites I frequent. Recently, I read a few things that made me think about my life and frankly yours and whether or not the articles I read were accurate. The articles I read talked about how we represent or rather misrepresent ourselves and our lives on social medial sites. They stated we only post or speak from a positive and happy viewpoint and never touch on the reality of our lives. They said we do not tell how it really is. I dont think this is true for some of us, heres why. Yes, a typical day at my house does often include cleaning cat vomit, and kid poop, dirty dishes, dealing with unkind people, and nasty messes, but do I dwell on these? Should I? No. Are they important. No. Do you do these things as well. Im sure. Is social media a place to share these things. I dont think so. I would venture to say you agree with me. The reality is they just dont count. They arent important. The things that count, the joyful things--the things we choose to share, those are the things that matter. They are our lives! In the scheme of things, all the negative doesnt count. If you live with a grateful heart, you learn to look beyond the negative. You seek out the positive and it is what matters. The reality is, as bad as you may think things are someone else is going through something worse. There is always something in our lives for which to be thankful. So, for those critics who say social media is just a place where people pretend to be someone they arent, it isnt necessarily true. Some of us are able to look beyond the day to day drudgery and find joy. We know people are gifts. We know each time they walk out that door, they might not come back. We also know each minute counts. You cant get time back. Next time you read one of those articles remember the gift of today, of the people you have in your life, of the value of time. Today only happens once. Post your happy thoughts and moments, ignore the negative, and be very grateful.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:21:18 +0000

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