For the last #500 years God has raised up the western civilization - TopicsExpress


For the last #500 years God has raised up the western civilization and allow us to steward the #Gospel and propelled the western civilization beyond the 800 years dominance of Islamic civilization. The last Islamic Caliphate, the #Ottoman empire fell after World War I. The Islamic middleeast were divided into current geo-political boundary. The Persians, the Turks and the Arabs have their own ambitions and ideas of relieving past glory of Islamic Civilization. Unfortunately for those who dream of reviving Islamic Caliphate unlike a millennial ago, the Christian west has secured technological, military and economic supremacy. To add to the pain and agony of the lost dominance of the Islamic Caliphate, Israel became a state in the midst over 20 Muslim majority states in 1948. Persecuted Christians around the world in the last 200 years can always look to Europe or America for refuge. The situation of the suffering of Christians in #Syria and #Iraq reveals this is no longer the current reality. There is no longer a default Christian west that persecuted Christians can look towards for refugee and protection. The value shift took place rapidly in the last 20 years. What has happened to the Christian west? Where should Christian in the 21st century look to for refugee? The predicament is NOT just for suffering Christians but for the west who has lost her faith and the compass of her soul to embark myriad social-cultural-religious experiments; abandoning the very foundational value that makes her strong and great. Other nations are rising up and embracing their stewardship of the Gospel in the 21st century. Praying that its not too late for the west. Praying for great awakening in #America and #Europe. God will raise up refuge for his suffering saints. Heaven is his throne and earth his footstool. In Him we live, we move and have our being.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 02:52:35 +0000

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