For those of you who dont know: Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer died - TopicsExpress


For those of you who dont know: Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer died on Sunday. And for those of you who have been with me for some months, and are up to date on my posts, opinions and convictions; youll know I have had NOTHING good to say about Bishop Palmer. I feel (and still do) that he was being utilized of Satan to bring about the One World Religion the Bible speaks of. This is due to the fact he was Pope Francis right hand man in the recent unification of Protestants and Catholics. This unification brought Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen and many others into the grips of Rome, along with their millions of followers. Its also effected churches who have had no affiliation with Palmer, Copeland or Osteen to begin the transition back to Roman Catholicism. People, churches and pastors who wouldve NEVER dreamed of agreeing with the likes of Copeland and have fought against his heretical teaching for years, (Baptists!) have now chosen to take his side on becoming one with Rome. I still find the whole situation unsettling. But what I find even more unsettling is the fact people are rejoicing over his tragic death. I have read on Catholic and Protestant websites today, of people who just flippantly disregard his death. On a Catholic website (who didnt agree Pope Francis shouldve been so patient with a heretic) I read the words May God have mercy on his soul...if thats at all possible. On a Protestant site I read Tony Palmer is now in Hell.... Okay, Im all for judging a person by their fruit...and in Bishop Palmers situation I have...O have I ever. But to judge a mans soul...? Do I think Tony was absolutely wrong in his push for unification unto blatant error and unscriptural falsehoods? Did I think he was wrong for calling non-conformists like myself Spiritual Racists?... YES and you BETTER BELIEVE IT. But do I think hes in Hell? Who cares what I think! I REALLY hope not. (and at this point, I think the judge not verse really comes into play). And if youre used to my page AT ALL...I always encourage righteous judgment in the face of dont judge me. (so Im certainly not compromising here). But I sincerely dont believe now is the time to judge...hes dead...let God be the judge (one day Hell be yours). Imagine that? Yes; I saw, heard and had to witness people GLOATING over Tony Palmers passing. Seriously? That makes me sick. Ive said, wrote and thought a lot of nasty things about Tony Palmer these past few months...because I have my convictions...and still do. But if you have gloated, celebrated or have felt somewhat satisfied by his passing...I would check your convictions. My heart goes out to his wife and two teenage children. This type of thing is traumatic; especially such a thing as a motorcycle accident...not expected. I hope he was deceived and just didnt know any better. (yes I still disagree with him). But how many of us....YOU AND I...have been decieved in times past? What if we wouldve died in the midst of our own deception? If the Grace of God is powerful enough to forgive our own it not big enough to forgive someone elses? Maybe he is in Hell.... But if youre hoping for that... I literally have no words for you then. Judgment Day will have to suffice for that...that goes for Tony AND all of us. You better make sure youre right with Christ ... Because if you ARE...nobodys false and bunk judgment of you after your death, will amount to a hill of beans. And if youre NOT...nobodys right and accurate judgment of a state you never experienced for yourself, will ever change ANYTHING. We are all the authors of our own self deception....
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 08:43:09 +0000

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