Fox News: You are up.... Major landslide in Washington State - TopicsExpress


Fox News: You are up.... Major landslide in Washington State today: I know radicals came over and planted dynamite in the mountains and today was Dday! Wait maybe a terrorist hijacked a plane, crashed into the mountain and had their followers clean up all debris. What??? No evidence of anything like that? Hadnt you heard; American media would really rather not bother with such pesky things as evidence, truth or integrity. That might impact our bottom line which is of course.... Money!!!! The more sensational, more viewers! More viewers, higher ratings which of course translates into more advertisers and of course more money! I know. We could continue to play gut wrenching footage of a clearly very distraught, grief stricken mother who likely knows she will most likely never see her child again. If, in six months she has recovered enough to be humiliated by the play of this scene over and over ad nauseum; oh well, we got our story and our ratings. I truly hope the pilots of this plane turn out to be guilty of something other than piloting a plane when a horrible tragedy occurred. Their reputations and legacy have been destroyed beyond any possibility of being restored, and really, lets face it, if they happen to be proven completely innocent, at absolute best they might get on line on a ticker tape at the bottom of our screen. Remember; that would be a truth and integrity issue and we have proven conclusively that we cant be bothered with such trivial things.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 00:28:09 +0000

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