Friday, September 12, 2014 Diagnosis: The Ghanaian - TopicsExpress


Friday, September 12, 2014 Diagnosis: The Ghanaian today Imagine you come stay at my end. So you use my guest room and while preparing to leave in the morning for your schedules, the dumsor happened. Then you left. I come home, did not go check the guest room but went straight to switch on the generator ONLY to realise there is a high - powered gadget LEFT on. I will QUICKLY go searching, knowing or having an idea what it could be, a lo YOU DID leave the airconditioner and water heater on! Remember IT RAINED TODAY. And, YOU are a doctor @ Kofi Ahubley. [ not the fellow ] Routinely, I ran a reconnaisance. I measure the PULSE of the LAND. I Iove to be certain my nation is SAVE. So I did a QUICK one. First I found a man. He was chatting heartily with one I was with. He tells my bloke, he speaking Ga, that he just left home. That his SEVEN CHILDREN [ I did not know how many mothers, and could not ask either as the story was NOT meant for me directly, ONLY that the author did NOT mind me hearing as it were. Besides it was extraneous ] just came and the GHS 10 he had today, was used to buy food and shared. He complained bitterly he was NOT satisfied and yet the money was gone. Then came another man. I was with a person that our people [ Ghana fu) ] THINK is healthcare person. He is NOT a medical doctor but he knows loads of doctors. Apparently, people regard him as a doctor because he has doctor friends and deals with many medics, and almost always is in their company. He is gracious NOT to abuse the priviledge and never pretended to offer medical advise, at least not to my knowledge. To this fellow a man came, and chatting. That two of his sisters were involved in an accident. They had gone to an all night and on way back home, got involved in a Road Traffic Accident. Both taxi driver and lady victims were at the all night presumably. Tired, and less alert etc the accident happened. One lady had hip DISLOCATED etc. Last leg saw me sitting in a trotro. There was ONLY a woman in late 20s when I joined. She was reading a book. I smiled and when she did in return, I glanced at the first page before she revert to reading and asked if I could see. I saw: And Paul wrote about Jesus.... . I realised she is studing a Biblical story by one of the many pastors in our land. Then, I got done. On way home, I found many males and females in late teens and early twenties mainly. I QUICKLY realised they may have gone to write an exams. I stopped at a placed designated for parking and beckoned a young lady selling yam. I bought one, a GHS 5.0 worth tuber, while asking her who the people on the road were. Said she, they went to write exams. So I thought. I went home and did generator as at the beginning of the narration, above. Can you make your own conclusion? Here is my take in summary: The elite in Ghana can be wasteful while claiming to be working for the land. Ghanaians talk a lot and about their imarc. Ghanaians are religious or try to be and to detriments. Many of our youth going to school do so by foot et al and will write exams that mean less in the end. I was wondering which many, will make a tertiary or onwards compared to the group say @ Akosombo Internation School. At VRA, when I see an AIS in the clinic, I imagine a more likely BETTER future for those. And I feel better for Ghana. The lot for which I bought yam to verify, I wasnt too exhilarated about. But that IS my Ghana. And these, was in Accra proper! From the origins Kofis how to DEVELOP the HOMELAND, could best be answered diagnosing Ghana, determining WHY and formulating the management accordingly. I start with my MOST FUNDAMENTAL TOOL - the Holy Bible. I will have used the somewhat widely accepted intellectual contruct, found in science. But in times past, I reasoned thus: 1 The scientific thought IF antagonistic to the God thought in TOTALITY, could be RIGHT and thus God IS fake or God IS RIGHT and the scientific proposition of the origin of all is fake. 2 Both could be RIGHT. That may mean man had misinrerpreted God so that a PROPER and RIGHT God find, would be EXACTLY WHAT SCIENCE FINDS! I settled for balance, equilibrium and convergence / consonance upon much search. I still, am searching though. Beyond the two, I said to myself that if 1 above were so, the part that make science true will mean the God story at variance and of any shade - religious variations - will be a concotion to BUTTRESS a DECEPTION. Conversely, if God IS the TRUTH, then the alternate school SIMPLY did MISS the WAY in terms of GRASP! I reckoned science WITHOUT God IS a FAITH. And the God believe IS a FAITH. So I said, IF we are fair - minded, FREE people, we must probe whatever we want in tolerance and daily. Then I thought, if big bang and evolution made man, what then explains the intermediate fossil / transitional form ABSENCE? Evolution must find the MISSING LINK and millions or billions of LINKS, I thought. Then I said further, what of the fact that it IS HARD finding fossils plus then, the world was less CLOSED up as globalisation now had done so finding the buried from such a BROAD world will be herculean as compared to we now being in a global village when MANY from different BACKGROUD could work on a matter simultaneously and so make UNEARTHING EASY while we also have the benefit of intermediate links in that we PASS STORY DIRECTLY or indirectly from generation to generation, thereby making room for relatively easier VERIFICATION? So for example, the Abrahamic settings can be traced with divided opinion, however, to Noah and beyond with much more CLARITY than the evolutionary construct. BEFORE ADAMIC age? I love the phrase: The absence of evidenve IS NO evidence of absence. But I am practical. I love to deal with the most probable FIRST. What did happen post Noah, birthed man of today. Many doubt, but a close search show the flow is very likely what had happened. That said,consider: Psalm 78 : 51 Psalm 105 : 23 & 27 Psalm 106 : 22 Combined and individually, the Psalms talk about the LAND OF HAM. And CLEARLY Egypt stands on the LAND OF HAM. Which means Africa IS the LAND of Ham! Who the hell IS Ham, you say? After the Noah FLOOD, only his family survived with the select animals. His three sons: Shem Ham Japheth thus POPULATED the world. Todays 7.24 billions, by EXTRAPOLATION are children of these fathers. I can talk of scholarly work that finds FATHER 1 of BLACKS to be Ham 2 of Whites /Caucasians to be Shem 3 of yellow race i .e Mongols or Russians, Chinese, Japanese etc to be Japheth in gross. Note that inter racial marriages, gene mutations, migrations, IDENTITY and HISTORY LOST, lack of systematic and detailed recording in cases etc may have BLURRED the picture. In the end though, it can be shown blacks and melanin land is the LAND OF HAM. If it were so, what is the sequel. Genesis 9 : 20 - 25 tell of Ham seeing Noah naked while drunk and asleep and he telling Shem and Japheth who went backwards with a cloth @ shoulder level to cover their father. The narration is scant. But it did tell Noah cursed Canaan or Ham. People understand or think of curse in the way they do. I take this story beyond so. Imagine the stories of 1 Kofi Annan 2 David Adjaye 3 Manifest 4 Ataa Ayi Ataa Ayi is a jailed notorious armed robber. He is so despised when John, Rawlings called Kufour, John Ataa Ayi, the angst was PALPABLE. Manifest is the Son of Ghanaian legend Tsatsu Tsikata. He also is grandson of Professor Joseph Hanson Kwabena Nketia, a composer and an ethnomusicologist. Prof. Nketiah is seen by many as a living legend, Africas premier musicologist, and easily the most published and the best known authority on African music and easthetics in the world. David Adjaye is a world class architect and is of of Ghanaian diplomatic parentage. Kofi Anna was a UN Secretary General. He is said to be: disciplined studious neat while @ Mfantsipim. His wife of TODAY, CONFIRMS Kofi IS SAME. What am I saying? If you have three sons and you consigned ONE to Chorkor, he may END up as Ataa Ayi. The son that stayed with you in Laterbiorkorshie [ close to Chorkor but urbanised ] or Legon or better, may make it to MAP et al Mfantsipim Achimota Presec etc Now, if you SENT one son away to - say - live on his own at La Maami, he may also FAIL to have a MAP education. Again, same may stay with you and you may SIMPLY IGNORE HIM. He will still grow up deficient in many ways. If however you keep a son, have him educated, trained or groomed properly so he takes to good character, he may go to a MAP or through a better or less means and become a Kofi Annan or Adjaye or Manifest. Manifest schooled in Minnesota and IS a tauted musician. Ataa Ayi was DOOMED and had been condemned invariably. But could NOT the priviledged son become like Ataa Ayi? He could! Indeed, we know of so many, or do we NOT? The point then IS that 1 Responsible parentage and or priviledge 2 Environment and more, serves as a multi faceted LIFE SCHOOL that may impart CHARCTER / attitude, culture / tradition etc and translate into future success and GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS or GAINS therefore or NOT when LACKED. All things being equal, we expect the children and childrens children of Kofi, Adjaye, Manifest to become better if they will lean on the parental cushion already made possible, and be disciplined, studious and neat. Ceteris parisbus, we expect Ataa Ayis to become like him or die of cholera even! Again, what am I saying? IF we hold that the COMMA CONTINENT -Africa, on which stands Egypt, IS the land of Ham. And for we who TRUST the Bible, it follows that Ham was DEPRIVED. Exactly what it was, I do NOT know. But it appears he may have lacked physical inheritance, education in the basics and character development etc. Whatever it IS, Ham made Africa HOME! Africa is a rich continent. Ham may NOT have mined gold or diamond et al then but surely he may NOT have LACKED RESOURCES or food. He may have lacked BASIC EDUCATION and hence began BUILDING A CULTURE that indeed was already LOST and given to too much experimentation in the wrong that ruins! I onced listened to a Kumodzi, PHD, I think. He TRACED the Ewe lineage STRAIGHT from CANAAN through Egypt to Nigeria to Notse from whence they fled the WICKED and TYRANNICAL rule of Agokoli. The settlements along the coast and onwards, towards the North birthed the Volta Region with Ewes spanning Aflao, Keta, through Ho and Hohoe to Peki et al. The Ewe remnant or collection in Togo and Benin could point to the Nigerian trajectory backwards. Gas and Adangmes TRACED ROOT from Ile Efe in Nigeria. I did some work that mentioned Nubia et al and placed them also in Canaan! Didnt Akans or Ashantis come from holes? Rubbish! Ashanti [ my paternal parentage ] also did come FROM OUTSIDE TODAYS GHANA. And all BLACKS came from ONE MAN! Yet do you reckon the tribes have a god culture? And do you REALISE there are similarities? What of languages? Now what of this thought: That ALL blacks were from Ham. That all had been AT THE SAME LOCATION BEFORE. That when God confounded languages @ Babel when folks were TRYING A UNIFYINH CIVILISATION, ALL GOT SCATTERED with variable language sets from SAME CULTURE just ad may have happend also to the whites and yellow people? Do you see caucasian life similarities akin to melanin man similarities in culture, traditions, education, attitude etc? Do you reckon Asians also show similar traits so eg they almost all are NOT CHRISTIANS OR MUSLIMS per the generality in say China amd Japan and also Koreas an Russians so tp say? Russian Orthodoxy et al? The yellow race are given to what Japan and China does best but LESS EUROPEAN CHRISRIANITY. Neither Islam too. Note Malaysian, Indonesia, Singapore et al aint straight in the yellow - Mongolia fit. You will notice that regardless of parentage and the environment, the individual who adapts Kofi Annans described nature, will do WELL. I am certain, Nana Kwames Segbefia fit that profile. Such people WILL NOT WANT THOSE WHO WONT LIVE LIKE THEM TO JOING THEM OR COME SPOIL THEIR LOT! That may be what happened to Ham. SACKED from home or SIMPLY IGNORED and or DEPRIVED. Ham was cursed! His descendants thus INHERITED his deficiencies. Born into deprivation and minimally, beating the odds is a TASK! So melanin man had struggled. A few that become Kofi Annan, does something - build CHARACTER! Nkrumahs error I have written on this variedly. Nkrumah, Kwame DESTROYED Ghana. It was NOT his intention. He was sincere from look of things but he miscalculated and set the newly independent state on the wrong footing. From 1482 to March 1957, Ghana bleed European blood. Then Nkrumah SAVED the LAND. But BEFORE him were the GCPP fellows. With them, Nkrumah KNEW the people on the ground because he went round more and mingled. When he SEPERATED from the J.B Danquahs, he sowed the bitter seed of discord. Danquah worked for the CIA. The COMMUNIST Nkrumah was ousted after much plotting in 1966. Nkrumah was marked for death however the situation. He made the US built Akosombo ONLY for them to REALISE he had communist party card. He REFUSED the Americans when they were to build the FIRST GHANA MEDICAL SCHOOL in Korler Bu because he was WARY SPIES will infiltrate. The Soviet never did build. So he started FORCIBLY with Easmond and co. Nkrumahs political ORIENTATION PITTED hi firmly against the US et al. The US - Britain etc used German even with Hitler at the helm while given to rapid MILITARISM and when Churchill warned to NO AVAIL until the war broke, to COUNTER THE RISING COMMUNISM. So everywhere GLOBALLY, the effort to CRASH COMMUNISM WAS RIFE. Nkrumah EXPOSED himself as a communist pawn. And he got SACRIFICED! That INTERNAL DIVISION which saw J.B Danquah et al siding with the US and Nkrumahs comradeship leaning Soviet - China - Venezuela - Cubal et al, continued till date. The NPP takes stock from the UP and enjoy American and British cuddling. The NDC absorbed much of Nkrumahs CPP and does with Iran - Russia - Cuba - China et al what it is that communists do except that now, modernism mandates some form of NON ALIGNNENT however unreal. The John, Rawlings regime et al and BEFORE saw many going into exiles. Kojo Ts attendance at Sandhurst with Afrifa shows what calibre of men these were. That Kojo Tsikatas Intelligence prowess is LEGENDARY is no secret. The John, Rawlings regime had to SURVIVE. And to do do, possible threats were up rooted. Those fearinh for their lives and many others were ADVISED to ran! So Europe and the US wellcomed many EXILES who HAPPEN to be of NPP STOCK. Again, the 1985 Michael Soussoudis - Sharon Scranage CIA affair got Ghanaians swapped for Michael who worked for Kojo T. The NPP going to US - UK is thus settled in haze. So, Ghana had been divided since Nkrumah POLITICALLY. Meanwhile, TRIBAL, ETHNIC and REGIONAL DIFFERENCES etc dug between us VOIDS. National cohesion is MISSING except momentary football moments. Beyond that, the rather RAPID SECESSION from the Union Jack also meant that we had to have [ Infra ] structures Institutions Critical human resource to work our way systematically and in the gradual. But we LACKED per the rapidity of the British sack. And coupled with the coup detats which became far too many because aside many, our MILITARY / INTELLIGENCE WAS IN EFFECT LESS EATABLISHED TO DETECT AND FLUSH OUT PLOTS, we so POLARISED and NATIONALLY CLEAVED IN TWO, we could NOT forge a convergence to tackle what it is that confront us as a people. Besides, remembet our tribes and people from ages had been superstitious, less scientific but more ignorant and tradition / culture - loving? Westernisation only half - imparted that so we have NOW a lethal breed of half of what we had and half of what Europe brought or in other proportions. We are neither here nor there. So we live the Ghana imarc! Meanwhile, we must act like the German, or build family and work hard like the early Americans or todays japanese etc so to BLOSSOM. State, analyse and solve IS the German character at core. He believes in SUCCESS and EFFICENCY. And he IS thorough. The Japanese value FAMILY and traits like LOYALTY. So a man who work so long for a company will introduce the son and also the son so generations come per the KNOWN CORRIDOR AND ESTABLISHED TRUST as spy agencies normally do. America was GREAT. She combined family, the search of God and CHARACTER to build. Today, Washington IS RAPIDLY DESTROYING ALL THAT. And we are LIVING witnesses to the product thereof. What will Ghana do, Kofi? That must be what will cause our DEVELOPMEMT.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:49:29 +0000

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