Friends and loved ones- thank you for your continued prayers. - TopicsExpress


Friends and loved ones- thank you for your continued prayers. Yesterday Rob was moved from the ICU to the hospice unit at the Jupiter pavilion. We reached a point where there isnt any other medical intervention to be done, but he is stable, strong and comfortable. We appreciate your continued prayers as we transition into this next season. God is and has always been faithful to meet our every need- and I am clinging to Christ and truth every hour! I know many will want to visit rob. I will most likely have the canfields or kearneys try to coordinate visitors to reduce the stress on me. Rob is sleeping and resting most of the time, so very short visits are ideal (talking to him and sharing what is on your heart without the expectation of him responding). Only The Lord knows the exact moment He will bring rob home to glory- so until then, I am preparing my mind and heart and treasuring every moment with my precious rob and ask for you to please continue to pray, especially for me :) pray that I would not believe lies, would be thankful and not overcome by self pity or entitlement, and that I would continue to serve rob as his helpmate though it may look differently now and in all things, glorify The Lord. Our needs are met but if there are any that come up we will be sure to post about how you can serve us during this time, as I know many of you desire to do so as unto The Lord. Rob is much loved, most of all by His Heavenly Father and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you all! Words cannot fully convey my love for our wonderful family, church family and friends.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:55:38 +0000

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