Friends lets today have a look on the primary source of light and - TopicsExpress


Friends lets today have a look on the primary source of light and energy of our solar system, The SUN. The sun is a G-type main sequence star comprising plasma nad magnetic field. Every star goes through a period in which it produces tremendous amount of energy through nuclear fusion reactions taking place in its core. This phase is known as main sequence. Our Sun is in the middle of main sequence phase. Besides that due to its high surface temperature, it looks yellow or red thats why it belongs to G-type. If we talk about its chemical composition then it is mainly made up of two gases- hydrogen ( almost 74% of its total mass) and helium ( approx. 24% of the mass). The rest of the mass consists of metals like- oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, neon, magnesium , silicon, iron and sulfur. The structure is almost a perfect sphere. Taking a deep look , we can divide the Sun into core, plasma and outer layer. Starting with core , the center, is basically solid in state and occupies 20-25% of its radius. The temperature is extremely high - 15.7 million kelvin. Under this heat and pressure hydrogen transforms into helium and photons are produced. These photons start a tenuous journey through the biggest layer of plasma ( gas that contains approximately equal numbers of positive and negative charges) which is also called the Radiative zone as here energy is transmitted through radiation. As plasma is very thick photons walk in zig-zag motion colliding with other particles and hence losing a significant amount of energy at each collision. Then it passes to Convective Zone where energy passes through convection process due to relatively less hotter area than the Radiative one. What we see as the Sun is its visible surface known as Photosphere. As the Earth it has an atmosphere sub-divided into different zones. We are going to talk about only two important zones- Corona and Heliosphere. Corona is much larger in volume than the Sun itself and its continuously expanding into space becoming solar wind which fills all the Solar system. the outermost layer is Heliosphere which extends to the outer fringes of the Solar system. It is located close to inner rim of the Milky-way Galaxys Orion Arm. It takes 225-250 million years to complete one orbit around the center of the galaxy moving on an elliptical path whereas the rotation on its own axis is a little bit complicated. Its gaseous nature results in differential rotation that means different speed of rotation at the poles and the equator. It takes 25.4 days for one complete rotation at equator but the time taken at poles is around 38 days. SO THE SUN IS 100 % NOT STATIC. Without taking about strong and amazing magnetic field of the Sun, its incomplete. It reverses direction in every 11 years. Its effects that are collectively called Solar activities include formation of Sunspots ( comparatively cooler area which looks as black spot ) , Solar flares and variation in solar wind. It can disrupt radio communication and electric power. These solar activities played a key role in the formation and evolution of the solar system. :) :) :)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 15:02:49 +0000

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