From Dans wall Your Front De La FreedomOfSpeech - Prime - TopicsExpress


From Dans wall Your Front De La FreedomOfSpeech - Prime Minister Rajoy of Spain, whose government just passed the Ley Mordaza, a gag law placing historic restrictions on the right to protest in Spain. - Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, which last year jailed a journalist for insulting a government servant . - Foreign Minister Shoukry of Egypt, which as well as Al Jazeera staff has detained journalist Shawkan for around 500 days. - King Abdullah of Jordan, which last year sentenced a Palestinian journalist to 15 years in prison with hard labour. - Prime Minister Davutoglu of Turkey, which imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world. - Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, whose forced killed 17 journalists in Gaza last year (second highest after Syria). - Foreign Minister Lamamra of Algeria, which has detained journalist Abdessami Abdelhai for 15 months without charges. - The Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, which in 2013 held a journalist incommunicado for a month on suspicion of MB links. - Prime Minister Jomaa of Tunisia, which recently jailed blogger Yassine Ayan for 3 years for defaming the army. - The Prime Ministers of Georgia and Bulgaria, both of whom have a record of attacking & beating journalists. - The Attorney General of the US, where police in Ferguson have recently detained and assaulted Washington Post reporters. - Prime Minister Samaras of Greece, where riot police beat & injured two journalists at a protest in June last year - Secretary-General of NATO, who are yet to be held to account for deliberately bombing and killing 16 Serbian journalists in 99. - President Keita of Mali, where journalists are expelled for covering human rights abuses. - The Foreign Minister of Bahrain, 2nd biggest jailer of journos in the world per capita (they also torture them). - Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar, which jailed a man for 15 ys for writing the Jasmine poem. - Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who had several journalists jailed for insulting him in 2013. - Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia, which sentenced a blogger to six months in prison for defamation in 2013. - Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland, where blasphemy is considered a criminal offense. - Prime Minister Kopacz of Poland, which raided a magazine to seize recordings embarrassing for the ruling party. - Prime Minister Cameron of the UK, where authorities destroyed documents obtained by The Guardian and threatened prosecution. - Prime Minister Orbán of Hungary, the autocrat of who Amnesty says has put an end to the free press in Hungary.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:25:45 +0000

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