From Ed Minton, i hope everyone read this. wow, very powerful and - TopicsExpress


From Ed Minton, i hope everyone read this. wow, very powerful and accurate. Thank you Ed for your wonder ability to untangle a and simplify a mess. "I probably shouldn’t do this. It won’t change anyone’s mind about anything except perhaps the way they think of me, and if that’s so, it probably won’t be in a good way. What will follow is just my thoughts about things that I am, admittedly, not an expert, and I hope no one that I know personally takes it with offense… So now the Repuglicans want to “negotiate.” Sure they do. After six years of deliberately doing nothing but stalling, feet dragging and obstructing, now they want to negotiate. (Actually, it’s much, much longer than that, if you consider that they have been fighting the Dem’s attempts to improve our healthcare system since the days of Harry Truman, but I digress). And what have they proposed to improve healthcare and cut costs? What healthcare proposals of theirs are the Dems refusing to consider? There are none. They have nothing. The debate over “healthcare” is long over. In the procedural world of Federal politics, “thinking out the box” is generally an unnatural act, thus we find ourselves with this ploy, another attempt to obstruct, even if it means perverting procedure to the point of standing government on its head or shutting it down completely. I’ll tell you what they have come up with to improve health care: Obamacare. It’s their plan. Call it Romney Care or whatever you prefer, it is a Republican produced plan. But of course, since Obama is a Kenyan, Muslim socialist, they can’t stand to allow him to implement it, and besides, it might affect the profit margins of some of the wealthiest few people in the country, and that, of course, is anathema. As for forcing people to buy insurance, where is all the gnashing of teeth, tearing of hair, and wailing on the wall every time car insurance is paid? So, apparently the concept isn’t completely without merit. The Affordable Care Act is an attempt to provide insurance to millions who can’t afford it under the current system, by vastly increasing the pool of insured, thereby decreasing the cost of care for everyone. It is not a perfect solution. I would prefer a Single-Payer plan that would rework Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Disability into a single program, but that is not even on the table, unfortunately. The truth is, We the People are paying for health care for everyone, either way, but by getting everyone insured, preventative care and reduced emergency room care will theoretically reduce cost for everyone. It also ends the sacred-cow insurance company’s longstanding, unethical “pre-existing conditions” exemptions, and allows parents to keep their children on their policies until age 25. We can’t have that, now can we? Not in America! Of course, we can expect chicken shit CEO’s who live like Elvis on steroids, and who live about as conservatively as Nero, (you hear me Papa John and the Walton clan?), and who employ very large numbers of people without providing insurance to them, to resist the attempt to force them to do so, and to threaten to cut their staff just like they do when anyone talks about increasing the minimum wage. They will send their armies of lobbyists and attorneys and into battle to find ways to protect their profit margins. Never has there been such a concerted effort to stop the implementation of a law that has already been passed, and ratified not only by the Supreme Court, but also by a subsequent general election. The amount of money spent to spread misconceptions and outright lies about the ACA is unprecedented, and indicate the degree of craven excess and lust for power of those behind them. Laws can be repealed. If there is enough support to repeal the ACA, then that is the appropriate procedural process, and it can begin as soon as the current impasse is ended. Rewarding extortion is not an option. Of course, what they really want is to kill all social programs. Oh, excuse me, their preferred term of PC politic-speak is “entitlements.” The truth is, what they want to do is to kill the government programs and the workers unions that produced the greatest middle-class ever known, not improve them. They have been working steadily toward this goal for most of my life, and with great success. The wealthiest 2% and their corporatocracy hide behind the skirts of neo-conservative pandering to pursue their self-serving goals. They are not true conservatives in the historical sense. They are adrift from their traditional moorings. I think that the “founders” would be dismayed at many of our problems. They simply could not foresee the technological advances our society is attempting to swallow. I think Jefferson would be greatly troubled by our bureaucracy and social programs, however, I think he would be equally troubled by the rise of the central bankers and the corporations that grow up around their fountain of money. Hell, they couldn’t deal with something as obviously and fundamentally perverse as slavery- how could they deal with the subtleties of banking and regulating corporations? Corporations are people and unregulated campaign spending? That is a far cry from our one-man, one vote beginnings. I am for promoting the health and welfare of working people. If we do not have a middle class that is the envy of the world, we are not doing it right."
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 17:18:45 +0000

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