From Ga Congressperson, Jack Kingston: "Independence from - TopicsExpress


From Ga Congressperson, Jack Kingston: "Independence from Obamacare The Obama Administration this week announced it would postpone a controversial mandate within Obamacare for one year. Without the delay, businesses with 50 employees or more would be subject to a fine beginning next year if they failed to provide their employees with health insurance. The announcement came conveniently just before a long holiday weekend for many Americans and while the President was abroad. It also just happens to push the job-killing requirement past next year’s elections. The good news, though, is that employers are given a year of relief from this massive new regulatory requirement. The bad news is everything else. Already, businesses have spent millions preparing to comply with the new regulations. Hardworking Americans have seen their hours cut so as not to be classified as full time employees under the law. The move does nothing to impact the individual mandate that will require all Americans to purchase health care or be subject to a penalty. Already expected to cost $4 billion, the delay could further drive up President Obama’s historic deficits as more are force onto government-subsidized insurance plans. Try as it might, the Obama Administration cannot issue enough waivers, special interest carve outs, or delays to hide the fact that Obamacare is the wrong prescription for America. It increases costs, takes away choices, and does nothing to solve the underlying problems in America’s health care system. Instead the law’s 159 new agencies, bureaus, and boards will churn out new regulations, requirements, and mandates. Already they have added some 20,000 new pages of government rules adding to the regulatory burdens holding back our economy. Instead of delaying aspects of Obamacare, the misguided law should be repealed in its entirety. We should replace it with commonsense legislation that will bring down costs and increase access to care without growing the size or scope of the federal government. Enacting Medical liability reform, expanding health savings accounts, and opening interstate competition for insurance plans would do a world more good to that end than Obamacare ever will. This disastrous law was ramrodded through Congress with such reckless abandon that Nancy Pelosi remarked, “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.” Now that President Obama and his allies are learning just what is, they should join us in giving the American people independence from Obamacare. --- Do you believe Obamacare should be repealed in its entirety and replaced with reforms like those mentioned above?" he has an online poll here:
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 13:30:08 +0000

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