From The Diary of Experience: If the Happiness is not permanent, - TopicsExpress


From The Diary of Experience: If the Happiness is not permanent, the Problem is not either. Ups and down are part of life. Its a cycle to complete the life. Recently just a couple of week back I felt may be I am nowhere in this world, and may be there is no solution to my problems. Ofcourse I thought it means I have tried and tested every possible things before this feeling. I put my all the best efforts to resolve the issues, but you know what one created the other and then together they took the toll on ME. Infact since last week I was so terribly stuck and became numb and dumb that my thought processes and logic stopped working completely. Infact a situation came that whatever I thought of doing and imagined it will be okay, that in-turn caused me the most of trouble and created a new issue out of it, leaving me in the deepest struggling corner and at the bottom of my confidence level in a dark. But as there is a saying the moment is the darkest just before it starts fading away and the brightness appears. So based on various experiences and with all the blessings of my elders and support from my good friends, I could look beyond the obvious and far out of crowed. Thats it!! this is the moment I needed, I started realizing what was going wrong and what mistake I did while trying to repair the condition. You wont believe I ran away from the trouble, spent 3 days and 2 Nights alone in a lonely place not exactly to meditate, but to rejuvenate the energy and to get back to battlefield and say... Hey!! come on.. Yes as of now the game is almost over. Recovered the 80% of life back. BTW thanks to all dear friends and family for your wishes, My dads health is good now. All the trouble that once came one after one, linked to each other now are under control. Job pressure managed and now the major tension is released so does My finance debacle situation, now the market is up, it came on a neutral condition now. Personal life (with dear ones) gave some smile back and controlled the anger and the ego, to get some smile back. Earlier it worked in inverse proportion and manner, now managed 70% to recover the early good state and hope that rest will be managed soon. So what to learn out of it??? 1> Nothing is permanent not the happiness nor the problems. Life is made up of both you cant pick only happiness without pricking your fingers with lil problems. 2> Problem comes to your life with a solution inbuilt its just that the circumstances made us blind and thats the reason we suffer. 3> To understand a problem and to overcome it you need to see from the top (eagle view).. to do that review the circumstances and try to summarize it in positive way. 4> Some times problems will chase you also, but not for long time.. so its better to run away from problem for sometime and then get back to it with a bang. 5> Some problem happens and they are critical so not all the problems can be resolved but they can be diluted for sure. ~~ TANU © 2013 ~~
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:21:10 +0000

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