From being our second parents in kindergarten to behaving like - TopicsExpress


From being our second parents in kindergarten to behaving like friends in high school and college, a teacher is all that and much more. Going down the memory lane, when we were tiny monsters not one bit interested in learning our ABCs and 123s and our only aim in life was - have fun and give the teacher a headache! Lets go a little more back in the past to the first day of school, remember the way you cried and begged your parents to take you back home, the way you latched onto your dads legs and looked at mom with puppy dog eyes pleading for her to take you away? All the while throwing sceptical glances at your allotted teacher as though expecting her to all of a sudden fly at you and draw you down to the deepest pit of Hell. Imagine managing a crowd of babbling, wailing toddlers who detest and dont trust you at all! They did that. They managed, loved, honed us, they gave us the confidence to face the world and its problems head on. And most importantly, we were taught the concept of trust, the day they successfully won our hearts from that day onwards started a beautiful journey spanning years, different teachers and lots of lessons. In everyones life at one point or the other, especially when you feel that youre at your lowest, there comes a person who holds your hand and leads you out of the soggy, dreary marshes into the beautiful green grass, who talks to you and teaches you the true meaning of the word confidence and then very proudly applaud you when you reach the pedestal of success. That persons for me were my teachers. Along with my parents, they taught me that life just isnt all about scoring a 100, it isnt about topping the class but it is about how much you learn and later how you utilise it. From that day onwards I started enjoying my life and studies and yes, I started scoring more as well because now I had no tension, no pressure to prove that I am the best! In similar fashions, I have seen so many kids lives changed thanks to the love bestowed on them by the ones who taught them. Many students under pressure and lack of support from homes succumb to depression, these are very rare but critical cases. Dumbledore-Harry, Gandalf-Frodo, Brom- Eragon these pairs are some of the best literary teacher-student pairs that fans of the fantasy genre have come across. Our first teachers when we entered this world,were our parents. The values that they have inculcated in us will last us for a generation. The first lesson in love, courage, truth, faith, family, friendship, ethics and other values were all taught by them. Free lessons taught with utmost love and care in the hope that one day their children will pass it on the same way as they had done. And then when we grew up a little we were handed over to our schoolroom teachers with a trust that transcends every other type of trust. This Teachers Day thank all those people who taught you something, from parents, school teachers, siblings, friends and also that loathed person who gave you the lesson on dont trust everyone blindly !
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:34:17 +0000

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