Further Comments to Webcam video from December 4, 2014 08:31 - TopicsExpress


Further Comments to Webcam video from December 4, 2014 08:31 PM The coalition for the rule of law youtu.be/zl3kaBSl2p8 clint huskey 1 day ago Sounds like global monetary system, to me. Thats not good. Why does it look like shes in an office building? If shes leaking info, her safety is questionable… but shes in an office? RhinoWarrior Pinkie Pie 10 hours ago yes and that would be her law offices, shes the world bank whistleblower , she is an amazing person , courageous . karen hudes studied law at yale law school and economics at the university of amsterdam . she worked in the US export import bank of the US from 1980 - 1985 and in the legal department of the world bank from 1986 - 2007 . what did karen hudes blow the whistle on ?? the president of the world bank . follow the hashtags for more on karen hudes , Karen Hudes 1 second ago +clint huskey It is not a global monetary system. You fail to understand what it means when we abolish legal tender laws, and have all the villages and municipalities introduce their own local currency, a la Silvio Gesell. reinventingmoney/worgl/ The office building in this video is my backdrop. I started using it when a viewer criticized the decor in my home office. clint huskey 9 hours ago What I meant was, is she not afraid of these banksters that have killed more than 30 people?! RhinoWarrior Pinkie Pie 8 hours ago (edited) yes i know what you meant clint . on the 11th of november this year there was an incident and she had a concussion after her head hit concrete in a grocery store parking lot , i was gonna tell 2 you about some things in my previous comment but i decided not to , so yeah shes afraid . . no actually thats not entirely true , she fears for her life , clint huskey 8 hours ago Brave. Hope its productive. She needs private security. Karen Hudes 31 seconds ago +RhinoWarrior Pinkie Pie They test drove the latest DARPA technology on me last week. I told the network of control that if they didnt immediately stop that nonsense, they were going to be negotiating directly with the irate citizens of the world, because I had a conflict of interest with them yanking my chain. They packed up and shipped out.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:11:45 +0000

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