GET THIS SPIRITUAL MOTIVATION IN UR LIFE! YESSSAHH! I know there’s more– more for you to be and do– but you don’t know how to close the gap between where you are now today and where you really want to be. Its time to step into your calling. It’s just like the caterpillar surrendering to the butterfly its true self appears as it always intended to become. Stepping into God’s calling for your life is quite a journey. Unlike caterpillars, humans can go through many metamorphoses in one lifetime. Yes, life is complex and full of letting go. And it is meant to teach you how to fly. Surrender is allowing yourself to take the same journey as the caterpillar. When we surrender to our calling, we enter the same metamorphosis. A shift will happen. Will today be the day that you shift and decide to step out of complacency and into the call that God has placed on your life… or will you continue to dodge what you know He is asking of you? This calling will keep continuing to emerge, it will become increasingly clear on what you are here on this earth to do. When I look back and remind myself how far He has brought me and all of the ways that God orchestrated every detail of my life to lead me to this point of my calling. I get excited all over again about where He’s leading me next. One step at a time, that is all that God is asking for. One step of faith after another. And as you take each step, your faith will increase and you will be one step closer to where God is calling you. There are those who cant step into their purpose and calling, until you fully step into yours. Imagine waking up in the morning knowing that you are living your calling and purpose. How Exciting!!! This is a wake up call! Youve Been Called By God, you are a blessing You are a butterfly now. ITS TIME TO STEP INTO YOUR CALLING! GO GET IT! :)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:57:50 +0000

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