GOD IS IN THE WIG. I dont know where that title will show up, - TopicsExpress


GOD IS IN THE WIG. I dont know where that title will show up, but I can guarantee that it will after what I saw at church today. I was laying in bed this morning thinking about how wed prayed that mom wouldnt lose her hair through this round of treatments, and how, as of today, that is not the case. She sent me a text that its coming out by the handful. In my nicest Christian, praying way, I basically asked God, can you please show me how you will redeem THIS one? I wasnt exactly a happy camper going into church. Id already had a rough morning, and now, I felt like God wasnt hearing me. Ever been there? We sat through church and during the greeting time, a lady walked by with gorgeous hair. Mom leaned over and whispered, I would love to have my hair like that, but I know hers is real! After church, I turned around and that same lady was sitting behind us, so I complimented her hair. I whispered, mom loves your hair-shes going through chemo and would love to have a wig cut like your hair. As quickly as those words came out, the lady leaned in and whispered, this is a wig! WHAT??!! I have NEVER been so excited about hair in all my life. God had redeemed the wig! Whatever youre going through today, God can redeem it. Hes into wigs, and hes into every detail of your life, so be encouraged! Have a beautiful Sunday FB friends.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:39:23 +0000

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