GOOOOOOOD MORNING WORLD!!! Up at the crack of dawn to go to - TopicsExpress


GOOOOOOOD MORNING WORLD!!! Up at the crack of dawn to go to breakfast with my uncle. Met up with some amazing men! Former Senator and two Former College presidents! Gee,I only majored in poker when I went to college but these gentlemen made me feel right at home, you would never know from their appearance and demeanor that they held such prestigious positions! What a blessing it was to hear stories of the past. even talked about when Jane Fonda came to UNM in protest of the war. AMAZING MEN and yet so humble! WE need to take more time to spend with our elders! You can be so amazed! I learned so much about my family and its relationship to the city, I could have sat there for hours and just listened. HMMm now that i think about it, I bet that is the way it was when Jesus came to town and all the people gathered around just to hear Him speak. Can you imagine what it was like? What an honor it would be to have people want to come to hear me talk about The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. To be able to give away something that I have gained. i am far from that but i do what I can. But after sitting with these men, I realize how much time I have wasted, how much more I could have learned, how much more I could have done. The reason I didnt? LAZINESS and lack of self esteem. Well, Depending on the Father and putting all my faith in Him would take care of the self esteem issue. But the only one that could take care of the lazy issue is ME! I came on this journey in order to do what I thought was his will, teach. Looks like I am the one being taught! Thank you Father for making me get up at 6:00AM! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY MY FRIENDS!! TAKE CARE! GOD BLESS! LOVE YA!!! THOUGHT OF THE DAY ( THE CROSS IN PRAYER In that day you will ask in My name . . . —John 16:26 We too often think of the Cross of Christ as something we have to get through, yet we get through for the purpose of getting into it. The Cross represents only one thing for us— complete, entire, absolute identification with the Lord Jesus Christ— and there is nothing in which this identification is more real to us than in prayer. “Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). Then why should we ask? The point of prayer is not to get answers from God, but to have perfect and complete oneness with Him. If we pray only because we want answers, we will become irritated and angry with God. We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not always come in the way we expect, and our spiritual irritation shows our refusal to identify ourselves truly with our Lord in prayer. We are not here to prove that God answers prayer, but to be living trophies of God’s grace. “. . . I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you . . .” (John 16:26-27). Have you reached such a level of intimacy with God that the only thing that can account for your prayer life is that it has become one with the prayer life of Jesus Christ? Has our Lord exchanged your life with His vital life? If so, then “in that day” you will be so closely identified with Jesus that there will be no distinction. When prayer seems to be unanswered, beware of trying to place the blame on someone else. That is always a trap of Satan. When you seem to have no answer, there is always a reason— God uses these times to give you deep personal instruction, and it is not for anyone else but you.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:22:27 +0000

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