GOOood Evening DC, the White house and Bath-house-Barry and his - TopicsExpress


GOOood Evening DC, the White house and Bath-house-Barry and his dormouse-scary silence over what has transpired at the Bundy Ranch in the last 72 hours. He and all the demagogues have seemingly decided to not speak about the incident at all. In fact aside from Fox news, no national media is touching on what was a rather intense stand-off. Some local media coverage and alternative media but no major sources even felt this warranted an honorable mention? I’m no production specialist or even a producer but I do seem to recall a time when television and journalism sought out controversy as it increased viewers and in turn ratings. Not coming up on sweeps are we? The greed of any media outlet is legendary so it strikes me as both odd and out of character that they did not have every news chopper out there for the potential bloodbath. Remember Waco? There was more media equipment out at that compound than there was military equipment and the population at the Bundy Stand-off, exceeded that of hold-out Branch Dravidians. Well if you do not wish to talk about something when you’re the President Alleged, just threaten the media with restricting White house press access and nobody will talk about it, right? As for Fox, well I think they stopped caring, a prepared press release, and scripted questions apparently did not appeal to them. They do miss out on the antics of Jay Carney, Carnival Caller and Circus Clown to the Administration. Love the posters in you home Comrade Jay. So while not completely speculation on my part about the press blackout of the Bundy Stand-off, I felt you needed to be spoon fed the reality of the situation by slow example. One thing I can assure you; the FAA does not impose a ‘no fly zone’ without a Presidential authorization. So even if Barry is pretending he did not know a thing about this until he saw it on T.V., which he could not because he does not watch Fox and therefore would not see anything about it. That little venue to cover his butt does not fly here. He had to authorize that order. (Covering Michelle’s butt is a completely different matter I will refrain from covering…) Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate silence from a man, who every time his mouth flaps, you know he’s lying because he’s opened his mouth. I’m sure he isn’t eating because no food goes in, when this happens but what comes out is something I expect to come out the other end. Speaking of BS though let us go ahead and look at the situation of the ranch objectively. They ran of the BLM, for now. They slowed down a brokered Harry Reid and son billion dollar deal and they embarrassed this administration and highlighted yet another failure. How many does that make in 6 years? So Barry is not going to be bringing this up, just like Fukushima and his failure to give the public accurate information, Barry will not allow himself to be seen as wrong. The downside is they tactically analyzed everything we all did during this to assess us. Now there were rumors that this had been a ruse from the beginning. PLEASE, politicians and bureaucrats never think further than were their foot has landed. Heck, I’m impressed when I meet one that can walk and chew gum at the same time. The no-fly however is confirmation they concentrated drone observation on all the folks out at the ranch. You can be sure they have collected your data and details if you drove there and they probably got some nice glossy 8x10s hanging up of you in some Alphabet Agency Office. This also goes for all us folks putting out information and reports all through this. If they are not letting the media cover it, well then you know how they feel about us. For me, this changes nothing; there is nowhere to hide, no where to run and being this is my home. I do not think I will be letting them intimidate me in my own home. So, do not panic, take all the new reports you see form the situation with a grain of salt. No, this is far from over but it is also not the end of the world. Most of us knew what was happening when we signed on and we know they have been data mining for a couple of years. It just is so be careful, trust only those you are close to and God bless each and every one of you that stood with the Bundy’s out on the range or even on your keyboards and radios passing on information. We won a battle, not a war and every indication is they will not just let this go; so don’t get cocky.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:03:28 +0000

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