GOT SCAMMED TODAY A GOOD TIP FOR EVERYONE IN LONDON: STAY AWAY FROM NEW BOND STREETs COSMETIC SHOPS CALLED VINE VERA OR OROGOLD PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE!!!! This afternoon I was walking down New Bond Street, when I was approached by a sales person of Vine Vera who wanted to show me a miracle skin product which would do good for the blackheads on my skin. As I was already on my way to Fenwicks to buy some skincare products, I did not see any harm in going into their store to see what the fuss was about. The sales person asked me to sit down while he sampled a scrub on my hand. The result seemed quite good, but when the sales person mentioned the price (£100), I knew I could not afford it and wanted to leave. He then threw in an additional hand creme, spa treatment and moisturizer for the same price. I would never spend this amount of money on a skin product, so was politely showing that I wanted to leave. However, the sales person was very intimidating and as I am already quite a shy girl who is bad at saying no, I gave in to purchase the product, thinking I would just go back and return it the next day. After I made the payment, I was offered a dodgy looking receipt (no heading), with a small print saying that no returns are accepted. As I was reading this receipt I was being escorted to the door by the sales person who seemed very keen on getting me out of their shop. I immediately realized something was wrong and that I had made a huge mistake. I googled the company from my smartphone as I was stood around the corner and could feel my heart sink into my shoes when I read the words scam and ripoff on my screen. I gathered my best courage and went back into their store to ask for a refund. They simply told me that only the owner could approve of this, however this person was never present in their store. I told them I would call the police if they dont refund me, which was returned by a woman shouting please go ahead because it wont get you anywhere and tell them I said hi. I immediately dialled 999, but they said they would not be able to do anything and it would be better if I were to consult a solicitors. This leaves me with little hope to ever get my money back. After reading statements of other people on the internet being scammed in the USA, for amounts up to as much as $4000, I even feel like I have been lucky. Even though I feel incredibly angry and foolish about he £100 I just spent on what seems to have the same ingredients as glue. Their shop is based at 75 New Bond Street in London. Orogold is also based down the road. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP. PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:37:21 +0000

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