GYM MISTAKE 101: DOING A HUNDRED SIT UPS TO GET A SIX PACK One of the most frequent questions I get asked is how do I get a six pack? - to get a ripped stomach, there are two things I focus on 1) diet: keeping or getting your bodyfat low enough so that you can see your abs; everybody has a six pack (by genetic structure), its just normally covered by a layer or two (or three) of fat. 2) Training abs correctly: this is pretty much one of the biggest gym mistakes I see, Ive regularly heard people say I do 100 sit ups every workout or every night and I still dont have a six pack- my response is nearly always the same; I can do 20.. Maybe 25 perfect sit ups/ab excershss before I lose the contraction on my stomach- once youve lost the contraction or feel on your abs, stop, take a second to rest, breathe out and then continue your reps. For example, I might do 100 reps on ab crossovers (one of my favourite excercises) but I rest pause all the way to a hundred, if I lose the squeeze 20 times, I stop, rest and breathe out 20 times- this allows me to make every rep count so Im not just counting every rep. Lastly, training your abdominal a from all angles is going to give you a more 3D look- Im very on functional movements and do a lot of kettle, TRX and bodyweight movements in my programs - windshield wipers (in the video) are an awesome core excercise that requires a good amount of strength to execute. I recommend starting with hanging knee raise, progress to straight leg raise and then try windshield wipers- alternatively you can use a barbell instead of hanging, just fix yourself as if you were to do a normal bench press and bring your legs to the left, then the right and repeat for your target rep range. I hope this helps you all, if you know anybody looking to get a six pack in the new year, please LIKE and SHARE it on their page :)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:49:08 +0000

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