Gaza, another Guernica! A Commentator said on the BBC that - TopicsExpress


Gaza, another Guernica! A Commentator said on the BBC that Gaza has become a Guernica, Guernica, a Spanish village, was brutally bombed by the Fascists during the Spanish civil war in the1930s! Picasso immortalized that atrocity in his most famous painting named after Guernica The painting lies, as a testimony to that brutal era, in a Madrid museum. I travelled hundreds of kilometers from Barcelona to see this masterpiece I stood before it for hours on end trying to capture the sense of the irony and agony of that era which was portrayed by the great artist. But where is the international brigade of writers and artists, the Hemingways and Garcia Lorcas who fought pitched battles against the fascists dug in the trenches. Poet Lorca was brutally killed and his body was buried in an unknown place, never to be found. But there are many prominent crossroad which are ornamented with his statues in Spain! Why the ilk of Lorca and Hemingway so muted now when another Guernica is being enacted in Gaza? Are the modern-day Zionists any different from the Nazis and fascists?? Is there no painter to depict a bleeding Gaza a la Guernica? Why?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:24:57 +0000

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