Germany, Islamization, PEGIDA Germany, waking up after decades - TopicsExpress


Germany, Islamization, PEGIDA Germany, waking up after decades of treasonous demographic malpractice by its establishment, is marching under PEGIDA banners (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) in Dresden, Berlin, Cologne, Kassel, Hamburg and Munich. But a powerful counterattack has been mounted by what I call SWORIL (Swells Who Ride in Limousines). Frau Merkel diagnosed that the will of the people was moot when clashing with the fancies of SWORIL. It’s done easily these days: you just call PEGIDA “right-wing extremism (very familiar practice to conservatives in the USA), hostility towards foreigners and anti-Semitism” — the very words Merkel used — or “nationalists and racists, who are fanning people’s fears and want to divide society” — the magic mantra of a leader of the Social Democratic party, Thomas Oppermann. To top the bold faced propaganda, both Cologne’s famous cathedral and Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate switched off their lights to protest against the anti-Muslim rallies. The head of the confederation of German employers opined that Germany’s image is being damaged by an anti-foreigner movement, and that “Germany needed immigration to sustain its job market and social system, given that its population is aging.” He refrained, however, from elaborating further whether Germany needed immigration of sub-90 IQ, fanatical followers of a 7th century desert brigand to sustain its job market and social system… If only Merkel and Oppermann and the German anti-PEGIDA demonstrators wouldve been around to be that insightful in 1935, when the time was right and proper… If only Cologne Cathedral’s Cardinal Schulte switched off the lights in 1936, instead of staging a fawning reception for Hitler as “The Liberator of Rhineland.” If only German factories enticed foreign immigrants to power the industry of the Third Reich, instead of forcing millions of Slav slaves to work nonstop on a bowl of potato peel water a day, under whip and cudgel, until they died… How grotesque is it, to be a German counterpolar idiot to the German idiots of the other pole — the one of the 1930s-40s. How stupid to destroy your country by toppling it into an abyss THIS way, just because your grandfather toppled it into an abyss THAT way…! But there must be even larger forces abroad, and who knows to whose orders the political and cultural SWORILs march. The hysteria, the bold-faced, desperate lying, the besmirching and persecution of resisters, the packing into every Euro peoples’ land of more imported voters for the Corporatist-Socialist-Feminist Multiculti Oligarchy, though they be also soldiers for the Caliphate — all that bespeaks of cataclysmic forces roiling the ruling class under its cultivated surface. One of the agitprop tools of the European Union opined: “Anti-Islam protests ‘tearing apart’ German society — the inverse of the obvious truth that Islam is tearing Germany apart. Geert Wilders, who alone among major political leaders has been warning that Islam tears all of Europe apart, is now to stand trial for “insulting a group of people based on race and incitement to discrimination and hatred,” after similar legal chicanery against him failed in 2011. Brigitte Bardot, who merely challenged Muslim treatment of our furry friends, has been hauled to court by the French nouveau Vichy permanent regime and punished five times, over eight years. European president Jean-Claude Juncker sternly warned “established political parties,” i.e. those that do not challenge the accepted lies, not to imitate “populists” parties — i.e. those that timidly challenge some of the lies, particularly about the wonders of Immigration and Islam. Should mainstream parties like Christian Democrats become “populist,” warned Monsieur Juncker, European countries would become “ungovernable”. Oy vey, what will all those Europeans do, if they are not “governed”! I just dont know! Europe has been in chains for so long, I dont think they even know what liberty means, in the sense that the USA understands it. Europe has been in the cooker, with the heat in the water steadily turned up, not only is the frog boiled but nasty and old and slimy and totally dead, but the heat keeps getting turned up even more. Europeans have not been free for 2000 years. All of this portends a deeper tragedy: The French and other European ruling elites lie to their state serfs and repress dissent to save their own sinecures, their perverted schemes. They wish to evade accountability for the greatest malfeasance ever inflicted on a people since Stalin and Hitler, to kick the time bomb downstreet so that it explode not in their own times. The United States was always there since its inception: liberty’s last, best hope, as the inspiration of Europe’ liberty and, for the past 100 years, its guarantor. But... no more... The same cabal of progressive politicians, self-dealing bureaucrats in giant Leviathan structures, postmodern-Marxist academics, labor socialists, financial criminals, mega-crooks, emotive airhead celebrities, feminists, self-haters, and their large, immigrant clientele has transformed America just as it has Europe. Should Eurabia become “ungovernable,” the U.S. Multiculti Marines will be landing in Normandy to help not the wrecked, conquered people but to protect their “governors” and their pet Muslim minority from the horrific consequences of the former’s madness and the latter’s barbarism. United States’ “majority minority” population will be cheering them on. These are the times that try men’s souls.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:27:25 +0000

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