Gertrude of Arabia: the woman who created Iraq The last 100 - TopicsExpress


Gertrude of Arabia: the woman who created Iraq The last 100 years of the history of Iraq almost a person conditioning, archaeologist, Arabist Gertrude Bell and scientific, which was also one of the most effective British spies in the Middle East. Clive Irving Bell tells the story in an article published on the website The Daily Beast. The talent of spying Leste Archaeologist profile, the field of Arabic language and the halo that opened doors that were closed to diplomats and traders, and get valuable information on the internal policies of the provinces of the region. Western Scientific crazy Sino Originally collected information in the Ottoman Empire and its east, on the eve of World War provinces. Was interested as I could manage so many territories with their sectarian, tribal and territorial conflicts. Ottomans adopted the decentralized, while the spy- as many Western intellectuals of the British era, was fascinated by the theory of building the nation as a path to the future of the Arab region. course, all nations built must be the interest of the British Crown. Ascending to the top of the political The object of Gertrude was the forbidden city of Hail, belongs to the family of Al Rashid, who was expelled from Riyadh Al Saud, the future founder of Saudi Arabia. As a woman, at that time women were less likely to die than men in the region-Bell could infiltrate the harems of hail, which circulated all sorts of rumors and intrigue. Gertrude Bell learned that the Al Rashid were losing the conflict with rivals and realized that the UK is no longer interested in supporting them. This information has become an important figure in British foreign policy in the region. When Western countries began to divide areas of influence in the Middle East, the spy was found in the center of the process. The creation of Iraq On the eve of secret negotiations, and protected his partner Thomas Edward Lawrence, also spyware and Arabist, chose to support the Hashemites and promised the city of Damascus. But the British government decided to give Syria to France, because they already knew the importance of oil, which was scarce in Syria. However, the agreement between the Hashemites and the UK has been respected: Faisal ibn Hussain was crowned Faisal I of Iraq, oil-rich country. and a key point for the British logistics to India Faisal had no historical basis to reign in Iraq. His rise to power was the result of the support of the UK and directors and officers as Bell and Lawrence. According to Bell, Faisal I of Iraq had the support of 96% of the population. Note that it was the only candidate and that most citizens of Iraq at the time could not read or write. The bomb The new states borders were artificial, designed by Gertrude Bell and its technical partners, regardless tribal traditions, religion, ethnicity and history of this complex region. All the peoples of Iraq, Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Turks, Armenians ... - found themselves living in their own territories, but sharing the same state. But Bells beloved creation. He dreamed of a big state stretching from the border with Persia to the Mediterranean and worked hard as a British colonial administrator, and Viceroy of Iraq. Gertrude Bell, the creator of Iraq, died in Baghdad in 1926, at the age of 57 years because of an overdose of barbiturates. In 1941 the Hashemite monarchy in Iraq in time ally of Germany, was overthrown by a coup, which led to British intervention to ensure supply of oil. The United Kingdom restored the monarchy, which continued until 1958, when another military coup proclaimed the Republic of Iraq. Over time, the republic became Saddam Hussein who, ironically, would be overthrown by a coalition of UK forces. Full Text in: actualidad.rt/actualidad/view/131431-gertrude-bell-mujer-creo-irak?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:01:48 +0000

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