Glenn wrote a number of short stories and other writings.. here is - TopicsExpress


Glenn wrote a number of short stories and other writings.. here is a very sweet one I think you will all enjoy.. This story is in memory of my friend Mon-sewer, the finest Australian Sheepdog - German Shepherd mixed doggie ever to catch a Frisbee, once after bouncing it off his nose! I was driving through a sleepy town when I chanced upon a scene that fairly leaped out of a Jack London story. On the front porch of a stately Queen Anne home, a massive silver-and-black- haired German shepherd lay peacefully, regarding me with minimum interest, as I regarded him with great respect. For he commanded that respect, and in his eyes were a thousand stories, ranging from the primordial blood-lust of his ancestors, to the innermost private thoughts of his families - his canine family, and the family of my species, that was blessed with his company. I stopped my car, then bade the fellow good day with a nod and a smile. He returned my gesture with a blink and a slurp of his considerable tongue. I thought to myself, Here is a story, a story that needs to be told. If only I could read his thoughts, or know his language, and gain his trust! Sighing with resigned acceptance, I drove on, thinking, Somehow, someway, theres got to be a buck or two to make off this! Deep, spiritual experiences always have that effect on me. Glenn James Allenson *****Buddys Tale Buddy winced again as the pain wracked his hip; but even though he had managed not to make a sound, he was unable to keep from shuddering as his old muscles contracted with the spasm. He glanced toward the woman on the couch to see if she had noticed his discomfort, then settled his face on his massive paws to disguise the movement. Buddy could feel that she had in fact felt his reflex, although she was pretty good at hiding her concern. Armance kept knitting without missing a stitch, but Buddy was an astute creature, so he could feel her worry. He could feel her worry more and more, as the drama of his demise unfolded with each passing moment. Buddy knew he had run well past the end of this life, and he was content that Death had earned his soul. He sighed, from deep within, then clenched his jaws as he realized he was exhaling the audible rumblings of his growing impatience. Despite the unfathomable predicament his humans had forced upon him, he had not lost even a shred of the love and respect that a lifetime in the good couples company had imparted to him. But the pain had become greater, while his strength and fortitude had waned with the coming of winter, the white-blanketed winter outside, and the deepening chill settling into his heart. Buddy craved the warm release of oblivion as he had once craved the hunt, the hearth, the mating call, and the call of the wild. He could have stopped his heart at any time during the past four or five days, in fact at times it had tried to quit on its own. But he had willed it to continue its feeble endeavor, had called it back into service. There was one last duty to see to, and Buddys heart, just able to perform a few last beats, held back its retirement as its master had chosen to do. Before Buddy would allow himself the sweet release of death, he needed to know his human companions had found themselves a new and capable protector. After the love and companionship they had shared, he could never leave this world without knowing they had a sturdy and true dog - one not unlike himself, he thought without vanity or conceit - to see them through the many perils of their own twilight years. Buddy thought of the time a prowler had broken in through the back door of the house, in the midst of a violent storm that hid the sounds of entry from his humans. He had sensed the intentions of the interloper while he watched in silence, from behind the kitchen table. He had allowed the fellow to make his way well inside the room before striking. Not wishing to merely scare the thief away, he had timed his attack with two intentions: to inflict as much punishment upon his enemy as possible, then immobilize him, without actually killing the man. Buddy was, after all, a trained guard dog, and he took great pride in his abilities. He remembered again the mans fear, the adrenalin-spiced blood that tickled his throat as his powerful jaws closed upon the mans wrist. Buddy heard again his enemys screams, of pain and surprise, then agony and terror; felt the puny blows against his own head and shoulders as his panicked adversary tried to defend himself. He recalled every detail of the long minutes during which he held the man by his throat, until the police arrived. Buddy did not spend more than a fleeting moment recalling the approving words and gestures of the police, as he reluctantly but professionally relinquished his grip on the criminal, then made his way to stand guard between his humans and the strangers who took charge of the interloper. For although he sensed that the policemen were basically on the side of his master and mistress, still they were newcomers; therefore it was imperative that they be kept on the side of him that was opposite his humans. Youve got a genuine German Shepherd police dog there, folks, a darned big fella, too, one of the officers had remarked as he led the handcuffed culprit out the front door. Hes attack-trained, Officer, Carl had said, his voice rife with pride. We got him like that from the pound. Hes the best dog in the world, theres no doubt about that. We dont worry much about prowlers, but this is the first one he actually let into the house. He usually just barks them away while theyre still outside. He must have felt it was important not to let this one get away. The officer had regarded Buddy with a new and more profound kind of look at hearing this. Then he remarked frankly, You might be right, sir. We know this particular fellow, in fact hes wanted for a string of burglaries in the area. You really think your dog let the guy in on purpose, instead of scaring him away? You dont think maybe the dog didnt hear him, until he was already inside? Not much chance of that, Officer. Buddy stays right there by the fireplace every night. And hes a very light sleeper. The officer had nodded in envious agreement, saying, A dog like that is worth his weight in gold. Armance had ended the conversation politely, with, We wouldnt trade Buddy for all the gold in the world. *And that, as we say, was that. Sweet as the memories were, Buddy forced his mind away from them. He did not have much time left, he knew, to figure out how to find a successor to take his place. What Buddy did not, could not understand, was that his compassionate humans were also wrestling, from a different angle, with the problem that faced their faithful Buddy. They did not want to hurt Buddys feelings by finding a new dog, until after their good friend had passed away. Thus did the problem cement itself into being, and the predicament slip into a circle with no apparent solution. Until Little Buddy came along, and fixed everything with a wag of his tail. Buddy, still lying by the fire, was suddenly brought to attention by another memory, and a strong sense that the answer to his predicament was within his grasp. Just a short year past, he had mated with a fine and bright young female, not far from his humans abode. His memory had waned since then, and now he scolded himself for letting such a strong possibility slip by. He had mated many times before, had seen his own progeny born, then watched the pups develop into fine and strong animals; so he understood the connection between mating and the creation of new life. It was not unusual for Buddy to run at will at such times the need arose in him. During the past four or five years, his humans had not been able to keep pace with him, so when he signaled a need to roam, he was always let out. Their home was far enough from the busier thoroughfares, that his humans knew he would be safe in his travels. So Buddy had enjoyed a great deal of freedom, along with all the frills that any prince of the canine community is privy to. The last great adventure Buddy had reveled in - at least in the romantic side of life - had been with the most beautiful black Burnese shepherd he had ever seen. Which was saying something, for Buddy was freer than most dogs, and most humans too, for that matter. He could remember, or dream about, a different gal-doggie every night of the winter, and still have a few to go. Always open to adventure, Buddy was no stranger to any of the canine bachelorettes that lived or roamed within ten miles of the Hendersons Grass Valley home. In his minds eye he saw her now, riding in her humans box- that-runs-faster-than-dogs, which he learned while chasing after her. He had followed the box-with-female until it had vanished far ahead, then had come upon it - and her - after running in pursuit of her exciting scent, and the promise it held. She had greeted Buddy enthusiastically, although her humans seemed less than happy to welcome him to their home. Buddy had feigned a retreat in response to the humans yells and threatening gestures, all the while letting the Burnese know that he would return soon, which he did at dusk. He made short work of the gate-latch, and before the humans knew what was happening right there in their front yard, Buddy and the Burnese were on their way to parenthood. Buddy forced his tired muscles to raise him up from the floor, then was surprised at how easily he was able to saunter over to the back door. Armance looked after him, said, Buddy, you want to go outside, sure you can, but you hurry back! The snow is starting to get pretty deep out there. Armance came over and opened the door, then watched as Buddy vanished into the night. Almost an hour had passed before she heard the familiar scratch at the back door. When Armance hurried over and opened it, she was astonished to see not one, but two somewhat out-of-breath Buddys come gallivanting into the kitchen. Buddy was accompanied by a slightly smaller, very-much younger version of himself. Carl, come on down here and look who Buddy brought home with him! Carl made his way down the stairs from the bedroom, to join his wife and the two dogs, who were trotting all over the living room, having a fine time in general. All were suddenly snapped to attention by the sound of tires crunching to a halt on the driveway outside the back door. Armance opened the door just as the new arrivals reached the little outside deck. Without waiting for introductions she ushered in a heavily bundled up fellow, followed by three other snow- flecked bundles of clothing that contained a woman and two young children. Hello, looks like a family out chasing their runaway doggie, Carl said tentatively, as the group went about pulling back hoods and getting their bearings. Can I get you something warm to drink, some tea, or some hot chocolate for the children? Im Carl Henderson, this is my wife Armance, and that - here he pointed at Buddy - Thats the third member of the household, our Buddy. The man of the group pulled off a glove and held his hand out to Carl. Were the McKnights, Im James, my wife Helen, and the twins, Jason and Jenna, we live about two miles down Cherry Creek Lane. Im sorry to crash in like this, folks, but we followed the dogs tracks here after your big Buddy there came in to our yard and...well, how can I say this...he must have opened the gate, and somehow got our Thor to run off with him. He did that before, too, the young boy standing behind Mr. McKnight piped in. He came in our yard last year, and humped our dog Ursula. I think he made the puppies. Mrs. McKnight turned red and scolded her son, Jason, dont say humped. Thats not a polite word to use, havent I told you that? Please excuse us, but what Jason means is, actually hes right, your dog got into our yard last year and mated with our female Burnese, and now he seems to have come and claimed one of the puppies... what I mean is, I think your Buddy is Thors father! Oh dear, Armance was clearly caught off guard, unsure of whether the McKnights were unhappy about the events they had described. So far there seemed to be little, if any, reprimand in the visitors voices, as they talked about the circumstances that had brought them calling. Buddy, you rascal, how could you go and start a family without talking to us about it first? Its okay, Mrs. McKnight added, for she had caught Armances discomfiture. Even though we had talked about finding a Burnese male to mate with Ursula, well, once the deed was done - which it pretty much was, by the time we saw what was going on - anyway, what I mean is, we actually wanted a puppy, to keep Ursula company, and for the children to play with. We could tell when we saw your Buddy that he was as good a candidate as anyone could hope for. There were four puppies, Thor and his sister Hila, and the two we gave my sister-in-law, over in Marysville. Buddy and Thor had paused from their tour of the living room. They seemed to be listening to the folks, as if they knew their humans were talking about them. I can see the resemblance, Thor is certainly a beautiful dog. I hope our Buddy didnt cause you any worry, but he always likes opening gates. Maybe we should help out with any expenses... Armance clearly felt a little uneasy, as if one of her children had trespassed into someone elses home. Once again Mrs. McKnight put an end to that line of worrying. Please be sure, Mrs. Henderson, we couldnt be happier with how things turned out! And we wanted Ursula to have her family, as I said. She and Hila are back home, guarding the house, probably wondering where everyones run off to. Here Mrs. McKnight paused, then after a thoughtful moment, she added, If you folks want to think about adding another member to your family...that is, if...well, Thor seems to feel very much at home here, and.... Carl had sat down on the couch, and Thor had followed Buddy over to the mans feet. As Carl petted the visitors dog, he observed, Well, this is a first! Our Buddy has never let another dog anywhere near us! Hes overly protective, I guess he thinks were a couple of defenseless old hoots! Thor must be one of the family, right, Buddy? Buddy did not answer. He had stretched out in front of the fire, and appeared to have fallen asleep. Armance repeated his name, her voice betraying sudden concern. Buddy, it isnt polite to take a nap when you have company.... Buddy? Oh, no, dear, dear Buddy... Buddy did not hear her, as she repeated his name, did not hear her footsteps as she padded over and leaned down to wake him up. By the warmth of the fire, in the glow of his familys love and sorrow, Buddy slipped away, to dream eternally of his full and wonderful life. When Carl knelt next to his wife, to console her, to mourn their loss, Thor came and laid his head next to the father who had brought him home. *** * THERE IS NO END IN NATURE. *****There is only change. Glenn James Allenson 2/2000
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:46:06 +0000

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