God, Ghosts, Science and Me Okay here goes, I am going to try - TopicsExpress


God, Ghosts, Science and Me Okay here goes, I am going to try to put into text some 30-40 years of contemplation. For 5 of those years I devoted almost all my time and energy to attempting to truly discover the meaning of life; why life; any life, even exists. Alas, like many before me it almost drove me insane: The truth is, we shall never know; at least not while actually alive. What truly Irks, is that science argues against god and vice versa, yet neither side ever seem to use their own principles to evaluate. Worshippers condemn none-believers, whereas their faith teaches tolerance and understanding. Science laugh at those believers as delusional and seeking solace in a placebo effect. The truth is god is real although it is 100% certain that some elements of the many holy testaments are not. From the norse mythology through to christian and back again, none of these texts can be taken as completly accurate as all of them were written by, and interpreted by a human being, and us humans are biast and open to embellishment. Moreover, almost every christian bible made in the last few hundred years have been based on the Saint James bible, which was amended according to the kings wishes. It was he who insisted on the inclusion of witches and so forth that still pervade today and it was on his wishes that certain chapters were removed in their entirety, such as the book of Nicodemus. What every religion, bar Satanism does decree is that its followers: ⦁ Better themselves ⦁ Help other humans ⦁ Believe Even Satanists follow the above to a certain extent but since their own religion is based on believing in Christianity I will leave it there, except to say; they are more honest than most christians ironically. So... What is god then? Hmmm, well that is kind of hard to explain with complete accuracy as like you the reader; I am only human. To understand what god is you must study yourself, other humans and many religious texts and will still probably be confused. See god is supposed to be omnipotent, which means he is all-knowing and everywhere, he sees all, hears all, touches on every facet of life, from a blade of grass to a human being, god is all around us all the time... He... IS NOT A HE. Nor a she. God is an IT if we could actually pigeon-hole god into anything, though for ease I will continue to use the standard he. Now this took some time to figure out (best part of 40 years) but eventually the answer hit me, I had like many before me, overlooked the obvious. If god adheres to all written above then he can only be one thing; Life. Or to be very exact, life-force made up of organics and in-organics and passing through every living thing every single moment throughout time. He is the thought I had when deciding to write this, he is the wind on your face, the air that you breathe, the particles that pass through our bodies daily; In essence he is the big bang; which is still growing, still expanding. Some of you think as the big-bang as a singular event in time. An explosion that came and went and in its wake formed planets and all that stemmed from that. This force is still growing with each passing millisecond, the universe is still expanding, the explosion is ongoing. The life-force that created this planet and every other IS god. Proof? look at any given constellation and you see D.N.A and binary code in the planetary formations; string together a few galaxies and it is just like putting a skin cell under a microscope. More proof; Space-dust, for want of a better word, pervades every single cell of the planet, including us humans every day. Houses, even bunkers cannot exclude you from its invasive qualities, these sub-atomic particles pass through us constantly. EVEN MORE PROOF: Every single organism ever discovered, from rocks to humans, is made from the same x and y atoms. If everything is made of x and y, why did one thing decide to be say; a planet and another a dog? Surely, certainly they can only build into different sctructural forms by design, not accident. If there is a design, then there is a will; conscious or otherwise contained within life-force. A will indicates sentience, a sentient happening that is behind the construction or destruction of every living thing... That is obviously god; the creator. Life-force has long fascinated me too; Science in the last 10 years has finally caught up though and we can now utilise our scientific discoveries to see an aura that surrounds all living things. This is not some fantasy as many of you may think, for many years people who thought such things, were discarded as mentalists but now it is factual. Scientists are completely aware that every living thing does indeed give off an aura, though what this aura does, what its use is, science cannot answer presently. Auras are for me, at a base level proof of life; as only the living seem to project it, which made me wonder about rocks and whether their is a so-far undiscovered sentience in the inanimate but that is contemplation for another day... Now, here is the obvious I had overlooked until somebody recently made a very simple remark. What happens when a life-force dies? Unsurprisingly the aura dies with it... Or at least diminishes until we can no longer detect it. That was not the comment that inspired me but a far more debase statement, so to give an understanding I will use an analogy: Take a man-made battery of any source. Leave said battery on a shelf to die... Then answer this; the battery once contained energy; an electrical force. Humans and all other living things only form and stay alive due to electricity. Now back to the dead battery; we can recharge it, just as a human can recieve an electrical jolt to restart its heart BUT, when the battery died... Where did the electricity go? The battery may have died but the electricity has not, what we witness is this current dissipating, dispersing into our atmosphere, the electricity once contained in the battery is still somewhere, it simply has not been constrained and contained within a vessel. Exactly the same as when a human dies; we are a battery; or at least our bodies serve as a generator. For what? Only one answer is irrefutable, bodies are designed to contain our life-force, our aura, which seems to be linked to but is not made from electricity. When we die, the electricity remains for a while but slowly dissipates, the aura dissapears far quicker but where do they go? Either or is the answer I am afraid... Either our energies swirl around in our atmosphere until they are once more contained (reincarnation) or they are devoured by another organism; a demonic entity. Now lets not get far-fetched here, I am not talking pointed tails and bullish horns, no; a demon as described through various documents both modern and historic. A demon preys on the living and devours our life forces. One sub-atomic particle feeds on another; this is a scientific observation not sci-fi. Every known life-force preys on another. As humans we kill to eat; whether that is a humble potato or rice plant or a cow or chicken, we kill. Everything else does too, in ways people often overlook, wind erodes our skin, sun eats away at our molecules at the same time as it rejuvenates others, the ocean erodes our land that we live on at the same time as fertilizing it. So in short; what happens when we die? Our life force mingles with the other life forces abound on our planet and possibly beyond, we pass through another cycle on the prevailing winds where most of us end up in the biosphere; in the band that scientists have no explanation for. The band of energy that surround our planet with no apparent purpose; not the ozone... This is another layer that was discovered some 15-20 years back and whose scientific term escapes me. In that form of existence we are washed around, much like the clothes in a washing maching until a matching life is formed and an apropriate element of force is needed. Some never make it to rebirth, they are hunted down by the predators; the demons. Others merely get lost in an eddy and end up separated from the mass, stuck in a particular place or attached to a person or thing; these we know as ghosts. Those who make it into the biosphere have often communicated with people on earth, forget mysticism; if millions have reported something then it is true, simple. Spirits who communicate with the living often know things that not only do we, the living not know, they know things about which they were completly clueless in life. This points to an amalgamation, a unification of life-force, wherein they DO know everything because after death, life becomes one complete mass, every thought mingling with a billion others. In death we can probably share knowledge with dead grass but nobody will ever know because of one very peculiar and recurring theme. Dead people will never tell you the answers to life, they will never explain about after-life, in short; certain things they WILL NOT, not cannot explain. This points to a reason, a purpose, a design. Ghosts are the unlucky ones, often percieved as unhappy or being stuck here or simply as a lost spirit... All these points and more are true. Can a spirit decide to become a ghost through sentient will alone? Or is it merely a chance occurence? This I cannot answer until I die unfortunately but it does not stop me posing the question. The idea that some scientists have, that ghosts are a recorded image in time, is ludicrous on so many levels but let me state categorically that a recording cannot interact to specific questioning with any degree of accuracy... Once I was contacted by a spirit I had hardly known in life, to tell me to pass on a message to call Lucy who was in danger. I felt absolutely stupid passing along the message but was glad I did; it transpired Lucy was the sister of the departed spirit that had contacted me and Lucy was contemplating suicide. Not only that; the recently deceased girls mother was in a bad place too and because of the situation and my own ignorance it was left to the mother to track down Lucy. Now they are both living together again as mother and daughter and making a new start in life, working through their grief as one. Oh and the spirit who passed this onto me; happily retired after the turmoil was done with. Yes, I am one of these so-called Psychics; why people like me exist, why we function the way we do I know not, nor try to understand; if anything I am a reluctant psychic. I do not revel in my abilities and often work to block them but I do know for certainty that people recently dead and even a few of the long departed have indeed held conversations with me, affecting events and revealing knowledge impossible to ascertain through any living method. People; or at least the essence; the soul of persons does indeed live on after death in a conscious and often coherent state. Why? Not do these spirits exist but why? I know beyond doubt that they do, yet what puzzles me is why do I sometimes get contacted by deceased humans but not dead dogs or plant-life? What seperates us and indeed makes us humans special? The answer it seems could be that we pose these questions where other life-forms do not but can we prove that? No. We cannot prove that dogs for example do not contemplate life beyond the grave because we do not speak dog. All we can do is what every scientific discovery ever has done; we observe. We take notes and then calculate the outcome. From our observations we can state with absolute certainty that humans ARE different, no other species on the planet actively attempts to do the job of others; we pollenate things when bees and insects fail, we grow plants when foliage fails. We breed species who struggle to breed by themselves. We impact on every aspect of our environment and seek to bring structure and order in a way that animals quite simply do not. So what marks us different? An ignorant yet inciteful friend gave me the answer years ago; how do we judge not just intelligence but intellectual life? A driving licence. That was his answer and when you figure out all the parametres that silly statement contains he is quite right. The ability to learn and pass a test and then carry out said lessons IS what separates us from everything else. To act with purpose and intent beyond our own survival. To emulate the life-force that is god. God, Ghosts and science actually ALL prove the existence of each other, if we simply apply logical observation. Lee Gresty
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:53:51 +0000

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