God Wants You to Have Total Victory So many people today, - TopicsExpress


God Wants You to Have Total Victory So many people today, including believers, have serious issues with depression, discouragement, suicide, confusion, physical challenges, anger, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, and so much more. John Eckhardt is the Apostle and Overseer of Crusaders Church Chicago, which has close to 4,000 in attendance weekly in several locations. He is gifted with a strong apostolic call and has ministered throughout the United States and overseas in more than 70 nations. He is an apostolic reformer called to perfect the saints by imparting biblical truths, including deliverance and spiritual warfare. Basic Christianity 101 That was very evident when we sat down to tape several This Is Your Day programs, and especially when he ministered in our Monday Night Service at our Southern California studio. He said, “People are battling all these issues and fears, having difficult times in relationships, and don’t know what to do because they are confused about their destiny and purpose. Jesus came to set us free, but the problem with so many believers is that we don’t really understand how to break free from bondage.” He pointed to what Jesus Christ taught immediately before being caught up into heaven: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:17-18) “This is basic Christianity 101,” Pastor Eckhardt taught, “and we need to raise the level of ministry in the church so believers don’t just come to services, lift their hands, and sing about going to heaven. We need to understand that not only are we set free, but we need to see others set free. We need to operate in the power and authority of heaven. And God is challenging me to raise the level of faith and power in the church, not just among preachers in the pulpit, but among believers that are sitting in the pew.” The time has never been more appropriate for this powerful message. Millions, even billions, of people in this world are tormented, harassed, bound, oppressed, depressed, sad, and defeated. They have no victory, and they need someone who understands the power of God to take command over demonic activity and to see Jesus work mighty miracles. “It’s not just a doctrine in the Bible,” Apostle Eckhardt said during the message. “It’s something that is real. It’s something that can happen in your life. When Jesus healed the man without sight, he immediately began testifying, ‘I was blind, but now I see’ (John 9:25). When God touches your life, He gives you a testimony. No matter what people say to you, you know that the power of God is real. You can tell someone, ‘If God did it for me, He can do it for you.’ If He delivered you from rejection, hurt, fear, lust, or any of the other things that torment people, He can do it for others, too.” We know that God is a God of mercy. We are assured that “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Setting the Captives Free Our Lord Jesus can destroy the works of the devil. He came to set the captives free! The good news is that He wants to use us to see people set free by the power of God. We are told, “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Apostle Eckhardt taught, “Just as Jesus cast demons out of many, just as the disciples and followers of Christ were sent out to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, to heal the sick, cast out demons, and even to raise the dead, so we are called today.” Available to all believers are the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the name of Jesus! But this can’t happen if you are still struggling with your own issues. God wants you to be whole and stable. God wants believers to walk in the truth. And that is my prayer for you! I want you to receive the FREE audio download of John Eckhardt’s entire message and especially the remarkable prayer in which he breaks every assignment of hell on your life. He prays for an impartation of deliverance and victory, not only for you to be set free, but that you can be used to see others move from bondage into liberty. Move into God’s Outpouring Please take advantage of the FREE audio download. It is my gift to you. And I also ask you to take the opportunity to sow to change your circumstances. The Bible teaches very specifically: “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6). If we sow abundantly, we will reap an abundant harvest. Sowing continually and repeatedly will trigger an outpouring of blessings in your life! God is simply waiting for us to step out and release the seed from our hand, no matter the amount. He simply wants to bless us beyond measure. So give him your seed today. Take it out of your hand and place it in His. Give Him something to use—seed to bless you, over and over, in a mighty harvest! Plant your most generous seed today. Obey God now and watch His wonder-working power explode in your life! For the glorious cause of our precious Lord Jesus Christ, Benny Hinn bennyhinn.org/emailletters/9384/god-20wants-20you-20to-20have-20total-20victory
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 03:54:46 +0000

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