God is on the throne--and HE rules over all! I dont normally do - TopicsExpress


God is on the throne--and HE rules over all! I dont normally do this, but feel like I need to share! Four years ago I began a long and painful journey with back issues. To date, Ive had three back surgeries and about 15-20 different procedures. Im worst than I was four years ago, before the first surgery. My left leg is very weak--my toes are gone--no feeling in them at all and, my back is more painful than ever. In the last couple of months Ive felt like Ive had trouble breathing and pain stretching throughout my spine and around my ribs. This we find is caused from the T-11-12 disc blowing last November. Last week I was told I needed another spinal fusion on those disc, which would be a year recovery period. After much prayer and a major fight with hopelessness-- things appear that they are turning around. It is always darkest right before the dawn! Thanks for those prayers Wednesday night! Just last week we decided to try a new direction that I felt God was leading me in. I was told about a wellness Dr. and immediately he helped me with digestive disorders. All it took was simply enzymes and a leaky gut shake! In light of this I canceled a major test and procedure scheduled for this Thursday! Praising Jesus! New doc then passed on the news about the Bonati Institute for spinal laser surgery. Last week I called and spoke with an advocate who gathered my records from my local doc and this morning I receive news that I am a candidate for three laser procedures to repair the L5, S1 and T-11-12 disc. Recovery time is the most, two weeks! Go figure! The hardware from the first surgery is causing much of the problem for my left leg that is steady loosing strength. It has also caused the S1 disc to have issues as well. God is so faithful! When we cry out, He provides a way! Im waiting for the patient advocate to call to see if our insurance will cover this or not and we are praying for finances to help pay for the procedures and the stay and travel to Hudson, FL for about one and a half to two weeks. I know my God supplies all our needs according to His riches and glories--Im trusting in Him and giving Jesus all the glory! This door has opened in just the right time--our GOD is never late--yet HE is never early! Truly as hard as these years have been physically, I cannot tell you how many people God allowed me to minister to because of this situation. The growth Ive had because of this thorn in my flesh is not even measurable! Im simply praising His beautiful name today knowing that He is well able to do far beyond anything we could ever ask thing or imagine! I have no idea how we will pay for this, but I know my GOD! If He has brought me to this, He will provide the way through it! No matter what you are going through today, God loves you and in the midst of this trial, He has a plan dear friend! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith who for the joy set before HIM endured the cross, scorning its shame, then sat down at the right hand of the Father! Today HE is living to make intercession for you! Trust Him in the midst of the hard things--tell Him exactly how you feel and I promise He will meet you there! I honor and give praise to Him! His grace has brought me though--His grace is sufficient no matter what you are walking through! HE is worthy sweet friend of all our praise--therefore be careful what or who you are praising. Complaining and murmuring only makes the situation bigger in your heart--praising Jesus makes Him bigger! As we prepare to walk through this victory together--Im shouting out for the LORD of all! I will give HIM all the glory! Prayerfully--this will also show docs there are other alternatives besides hardware and surgery! Thanks for the prayers and thoughts! Please continue praying for us--our God is able! HE will make a way where there seems to be no way--a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert! Also Im praying for the Lord to allow me to be a witness for Him as we walk this road! What a joy it is to be called a child of the living GOD! I love you ABBA! I love you friends--and Im continually praising and giving thanks to our GOD! Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:51:25 +0000

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