Good Morning FB Friends and Family! So day two of our homework - - TopicsExpress


Good Morning FB Friends and Family! So day two of our homework - pick two significant events surrounding Jesus early ministry and describe them. Matthew 3:13-17 and Mark 1:9-11 record when John the Baptist baptizes Jesus. At that moment the sky opened up and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, saying, This is my Son in who I am well pleased. Interestingly to me is that Matthew and Mark record the exact wording - love that. John didnt want to baptize Jesus because He knew who Jesus is - and Jesus told him he had to - so that Jesus could do His mission on earth. John felt unqualified! Why do you think Jesus had to be baptized - I mean He never sinned! He did it because He was confessing sin and on behalf of a nation, as Nehemiah, Ezra, Moses, and Daniel had done; He was showing support for what John was doing; He was inaugurating His public ministry; He was identifying with the penitent people of God, not with the critical Pharisees, who were only watching; and He gave us an example to follow. Jesus the perfect man, didnt need baptism for sin, He accepted baptism in obedient service to the Father, and God shows His approval. In this passage we are can see to the Trinity - three persons in one essence. God the Father speaks; God the Son is baptized; God the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus. God is one, yet in three persons at the same time. Amazing! Love our God! This marks the beginning of His ministry - on His way to saving us all! Beautiful! The second one I chose was when Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. Mary asked Him to do it and He says, but it is not time. Yet still, the servants pour 6 stone wash jars with water - and Jesus says take to the master of the banquet and let him taste it although the master didnt realize where it came from. It in that day it was considered rude to run out of a wine at a celebration. The servants, Mary and Jesus understood what happened, but the guests didnt have a clue. This was considered His first miraculous sign. Jesus was on a mission to save the world, the greatest mission of all mankind. Yet He took time to attend a wedding and take part in its festivities. We may be tempted to think we should not take time out of our important work for social occasions. But maybe these social occasions are part of our mission. Jesus valued these wedding festivities because they involved people, and Jesus came to be with people. Our mission can often be accomplished in joyous times of celebration with others. Bring balance to your life by bringing Jesus into times of pleasure as well times of work! Read verse 5 - Mary says, Do whatever He says. Although she was not sure what He was going to do, she trusted Him to do what was right. Those who believe in Jesus but run into situations that we do not understand MUST continue to trust that He will do what is right in the best way - His will not ours! Amen! Lord Jesus may my heart be opened and yield to Your Will for my life - and may I not stray from it! Lord I give You the praise and glory for everything I am and could ever hope to be! My hope is in YOU! Amen. Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:45:53 +0000

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