Good Morning Soldiers! This morning I received some feedback about - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Soldiers! This morning I received some feedback about my journey here at Lessons With Ant. I say feedback because it was provided second hand and not by the person who felt qualified to give it. Paraphrasing, it was essentially that I am not someone who people should be looking to for examples of how to live their life because I am just as damaged and have just as many issues (if not more) than the rest of us. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, here and now. My mission here is not to somehow elevate myself above others, to be put on a pedestal and act as paragon to ANYONE. My Lessons are part redemption for a life I was lead, part celebration of my triumph over that life, part inspiration for myself and others and finally part contribution to the Universal sphere of consciousness and its ongoing improvement. If at any time you feel moved to question or even disagree with something I post, I welcome it. If you are comparing my life to the post (on the slight off chance you know enough about my life to do so), that is wasted energy. These Lessons are just as much for me as they are for all the other Soldiers out there. Which brings me to the final part of the feedback. The term Soldiers is used as a reference to the hierarchy of the ant colonies of the world. I am not referencing it to imply that I am Queen/King because I am just like you, I am a Soldier but I am taking a leading role in the mission of self awareness and self discovery so that others can find their way that little bit easier and make their own discoveries. I am no better and no worse than anyone reading this right now because we are all solitary beings on our own separate paths. Our paths may cross, run parallel or diverge completely for years but they are ours and ours alone. I say this to you now as someone who also walks a path that, at times, seems harder, steeper and more treacherous than others but I will remind you as I remind myself. That path is not one I can know because it is anothers and to assume they have it easier is ignorant and selfish because I am using it as an excuse to not try my hardest and give 100% to the cause. So thank you for taking the time to read this (those of you that do) and I apologise for it being such a long post but the feedback really hit a nerve and then made me wonder if others felt this way. The things this person said were the very reason it took me so long to start doing this and they held me back but I refuse to let them anymore and I refuse to allow to slow down the march. March on Soldiers! Blessed Be!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:03:14 +0000

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