Good Morning to all of Gods wonderful children! Im so thankful to - TopicsExpress


Good Morning to all of Gods wonderful children! Im so thankful to God today for all the many blessings that he has given me and my family throughout my life. God Im also thankful for what sleep that I did get last night and that right now Im feeling pretty good Lord! God I love you with all my heart, my soul, and my mind! God you said in the Bible that you are a friend that will sticketh closer than a brother and God I know that is true because even when I was out in sin doing all kinds of ungodly things and even when I turned my back on you God you never did leave me nor forsake me. God even at my lowest times in my life God you were there when nobody else cared enough to be there and even when my entire family and earthly friends had given up on me God you were always there waiting on me to ask you to forgive me and help me. God you were always there with arms wide open ready to hug me and welcome me back home into your presents where I belonged! This past couple of weeks has been a very troubling time in my life and in my families life. We have been threw so much. The devil has tried to come at us in every way that he thinks he can. But still I have not given up nor am I going to let the devil win. I know that we are just going threw some trials and some hard times. But I also know that Its in those hardest times in our lives when we are down in the valleys of our life that we can see things from a clearer prospective, and we are able to really see what the most important things in our lives are. God says Its when we are in those valleys that we learn most of lifes lessons and I believe thats how God teaches us what we need to know to make it to the top of the mountains. If we never had trials or tribulations, if we never had been threw any hard times, or had the devil try to create problems for us than most of us would never pray or go to church or really even worry about God and his plan of salvation. Gods word is without return, it will never lie to us or return void unto us. God gave us the Bible as a guide in the way we should live and the way we should do things and treat others. It says in the Bible that we dont just wrestle against ourselves and the devil and problems here on earth but it says that we wrestle against demons, and spirits, and princeapalities in high places. So we dont just wrestle things within ourselves or things here on this earth but we wrestle against the devil, and demonic spirits and things in high places that we really dont even know anything about. Its important that we are saved and that we have God on our sides to wrestle against all those things for us and to have God to love us and take care of us always. God loves each and every one. He has no clicks, or special groups, or favorites. God loves each and every one of us the same! He loves us each one enough that even if we had been the only person alive God would have still given his only beloved son Jesus Christ to die upon the cross for our Salvation and to take the stripes upon his body for our healings. God loves each and every one and God does not make junk nor does he make mistakes! We were all made in his own image and we were all put here on the face of the earth for a special reason! God wants every one of us to admit we are sinners and ask God for forgiveness and to save our souls that we all may be able to go to Heaven someday when we die here on earth and be with God eternally. I thank God for his love, his son Jesus Christ, and for God allowing him to die upon the cross for our healings and our salvation, and I think God for salvations plan, and for Heaven eternal, and I also thank God for his friendship and every thing he has blessed me and my family with! I have learned quite a few life lessons over these past few weeks. Life lessons are the hardest ones for us to learn and deal with sometimes but they are also the ones that always stick with us for the rest of our lives. I thank God for every life lesson I have learned and for God helping me threw while I was learning them. I had always heard people talk about getting caught up in life and being to busy with life to take time out to smell the roses, but I never thought I would learn about that first hand. But I have. Also I had always heard alot of older Christian people talk about money being the root of all eveil! I have often heard people say that money is what makes the world turn round and that money is power, but never believed that either. Another thing that I have heard my grandma and mom say was that if you worry all the time about stuff you have no control over then it will eventually drive you crazy and make you old before your time. Mom always told me not to worry about anything to put any problem that I might have in the hands of God and give it to him for him to handle in the way that he sees fit. I was often told by my mom and grandma growing up that if you constantly worry than you are not showing any faith in God and your not giving God a chance to handle things according to his will. You cant expect God to be able to answer your prayers or handle the things that you are worried about if you are worried so much about the problem that you hold onto it yourself and dont give it to God! God does not make us do anything he is a perfect gentleman! But the one thing that I am currently learning that I always thought was a bunch of mess and in peoples minds is stress. You know I think that sometimes God allows us to go threw the things in which we dont really understand and things that maybe we judged others for or could not understand from what point a person was going threw. I thought that there was no such thing as being so stressed out that a person didnt know what to do or where to go. I did not know that stress can literally put some space between you and God and can keep us from serving God effectively. Stress literally can make you physically sick, mentally ,emotionally sick, over whelmed, it can cause you not to be as close to the people that you love the most. Stress even by itself is terrible. Well now I can honestly say that I understand people when other people say that they are stressed out to their limit. I have been very stressed out about every little thing this week and I have stressed to the point of worrying. I started praying about it all this morning and I have faith in God and I ask God to forgive me for it being so stressed and worried that I have not even allowed him to take control of the situations in our lives right now. But this morning I decided that we cant do it all alone and that God has never let my family or me down and I have complete faith in God that he is going to take these worries and all this stress from me and replace it with blessings and peace of mind. Everyone please continue to pray for us and we always try to keep each one of you in our prayers too. God loves each one of you! And whom God call he qualifies remember that! God does not make junk and you do have a purpose for being here on earth! Gods word will never return void! I hope every body has a very blessed day today! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:54:11 +0000

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