Good afternoon! God is so good! I just now got back from walking - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon! God is so good! I just now got back from walking at the Frazer cross country course. I only stopped for half a second on the steep hill. I love that feeling when you get done walking! Its like being on top of the world and I just cant explain how good I feel right now! Whoo hoo! Yeeh! It feels so liberating. Idk but it is good! I love walking and talking with Jesus. I will be truthful and say that sometimes I get scared because it got a little late a couple of times and the coyotes started howling. It scared the you know what out of me. It was like we were surrounded. I didnt see anything but they were loud for sure. It brought back memories of the movie Frozen, not the disney one either. Eeeeeee! Now that was scary! So I walked early today and I feel awesome! That steep hill still is a killer but my body is getting used to this walking cuz I dont hurt anywhere. Uh maybe tomorrow...but thats why I am going to go do it again! Yeeh! Lol Anyway today I pray for all of you people traveling all over the world. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! Heavenly Father, I pray for all of my friends and family where ever they may be. Put a hedge of protection around them and watch over them wherever they go. Bring them home well. I pray for a healing touch from the Great Physician for those that are sick. I pray for strength for them and their families as they endure whatever hardships that may be necessary to recover. I pray that you send down the comforter to all who are mourning the loss of a loved one. I pray that you grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can & the wisdom to know the difference. I am nothing without you Lord. Wrap your arms around me and let me know that you are near. I pray all this in the name of Jesus and I call it done, Amen! Thank you Lord! Keep in keeping on! Smile cuz God loves you and so do I. Be good to each other and pray for each other. Pray for me as I am going through growing pains in my walk with Jesus. Hurts but it is worth it in the end! Thank you Lord for holding my hand and showing me where I need to go to grow. God is good! Have a super awesome Jesus day! I got a feeling, everythings going to be alright. I got a feeling, everythings going to be alright. Be alright, be alright, be alright! ; ) Love, prayers and hugs...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:57:35 +0000

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