Good evening Sweet Souls, As promised, here is the crystal of - TopicsExpress


Good evening Sweet Souls, As promised, here is the crystal of the day ~ Blue Calcite ~ I hope you enjoy. xxx Blue Calcite Blue Calcite can occur in massive or rhombohedral form. it is found It is found abundantly in Mexico but specimens with the deepest colour have been discovered in South Africa. Robert Simmons has this to say: Blue Calcite is one of the most soothing stones to the emotional body. It softens the impact of psychic stimuli, allowing those who are energetically sensitive to relax, protected from the bombardment of other peoples thoughts and emotional energies. It provides a cocoon of gentle blue spiral Light which gradually wraps itself around the auric field of those who hold it. This field enables one to float gently out of the either into the dream state or the domain of astral travel. If one is interesting in making astral journeys, Blue Calcite is also helpful in screening out negative or unpleasant energies. For those engaged in creative work, Blue Calcite stimulates ones access to inspiration. It opens the inner avenue for conscious realms, from which many of ones most creative ideas spring. Blue Calcite also enhances dream life, in regard both to the vividness and symbolic content of dreams and to ones ability to recall and integrate them. Blue Calcites stimulation of the throat chakra enables one to better express the insights one recieves from inner explorations, in words, music or art. Naisha Ahsian, Co-author to Robert Simmons states: Blue Calcite helps remove blockages in the third eye and stimulates ones intuitive and psychic abilities. It can aid in devloping inner visiona nd clairvoyance. It can help one be more sensitive to the thoughts of others and it enhances telepathy and psychic communication over long distances. Blue Calcite is a stone of inspiration. It can facilitate the aha experience if one has been struggling for a solution to a quandry. Blue Calcite is an excellent stone for those who are fatalistic and just cant see how their personal choices and actions contribute to their reality - even if those thoughts and words are unspoken. It can assist one in refocusing the mind on positive thoughts and ideas and is an excellent stone for supporting work with affirmations. Blue Calcite can be used to clear the throat chakra - particularly when one is hesitant to share ones spiritual knowledge or information with others. It eases the flow of ideas and can be useful in overcoming writers or artists block. My own experience with Blue Calcite To me, this is one of the most soothing, cooling and comforting stones there is. Where Blue Lace Agate is of the element of air and can sometimes feel a little bit lofty and distant, Blue Calcite is of the element of water and much smoother in its vibration. This is why it lends itself so beautifully in soothing the emotions and will resonate deeply with those of the water signs within the zodiac. I am a Picsean myself, so I really resonate with Blue Calcite. Whenever I am really upset by someone or something, I will turn to Blue Calcite. It is like a beautifully soothing, relaxing bath. After the stress of the emotion and our muscles going all rigid and cramped, Blue Calcite will help us let go and relax. Breathe, Relax, Be. It is especially beneficial to those who are finding it hard to believe in and loving themselves, there is a gentle but very definite vibration of encouragement from the universe held within. It is deeply connected to dreams... those that are sent to us every night, and those that help us grow and blossom... visions and dreams of better times, new ideas, expansion. It is indeed a stone of inspiration and creation and helps us to be in the flow of life. Sensing and understanding the subtle messages sent by the universe to support us when we are on the right path, or sending a gentle warning that thing things arent what they seem and that we are out of our depth . Blue Calcite is also one of those crystals that is hugely benificial for some of the earthly, manifest, physical ailments. Whenever I think of or connect to Calcite (in any colour!) in a very physical way, I get quite a chalky, gritty taste in my mouth and it reminds me that calcites are wonderful in aiding us with digestive issues such as heartburn and acid reflux, but it also always draws my attention to our skeletal structure, our bones. It is very beneficial to children who have a lot of growing to do, those suffering from osteoporosis and fractures of any kind. I would actually like to define the above above stated - that Blue Calcite is a good stone for communication - a little closer. It is not particularly helpful to those who are shy and find it hard to voice their truth - Blue Calcite will actually soften their voice even more and perhaps make it almost unheard - but it is immensely helpful to those who are finding it hard to control their communication of the truth by voicing it to harshly and without compassion and consideration, or those who just talk for the sake of talking because it is easier than to truly listen to ones own thoughts. This is when Blue Calcite will work wonders, softening and smoothing the words or stopping the flow of verbal non-sense for the sake of drowning out ones inner emptiness. Blue Calcite is the stone of hope and inspiration. It enfolds our soul with soothing and calming energies, bringing us a very clear message from the universe that all is well, even if we cant quite see it at this moment in time. xxx
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:33:29 +0000

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