Good last day of March Monday morning, yall. Well here it is - TopicsExpress


Good last day of March Monday morning, yall. Well here it is the last day of the month already, Rolls around bout every thirty days, A welcome payday for some folks, For others, just another day. That makes tomorrow the first of April, For all you fools out there, Be pulling pranks and practical jokes, And getting in each others hair. But I remember so well just shy of forty years ago, The spring of nineteen seventy six, to be precise, A long ago April Fools day dawned, And my career started out so nice. A beautiful day, sunny and warm, Not like todays wind and cold, Flowers blooming everywhere, My yard needed to be mowed. Instead I got up and went to T-town, My uniforms and leather to buy, Just in time to report for duty, At eleven that morning, or die. My first day on Claremore PD, it was, I had no inkling then, How fast the days and years would fly, And all the adventures Id get in. That first day with Tubby, Paul, Buck and Mickey, Three of the four now gone, But, oh, what a legacy theyve left, For me to ponder on. Looking back at all the things, The fights, the chases, the drunks, The court room battles I felt sure Id win, But were won,instead, by the punks. And the people Id meet! Had no idea how many, On good terms, as well, as bad, Right up until my retirement day, How many friends, through the years, I had. Yes, the years have gone by in a hurry, As they certainly continue to do, And all Im left with is many a memory,, To share with who knows who..... Chester M. Baldwin, March 31, 2014.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:27:32 +0000

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