Good morning everyone, its that time again. Hope you all had a - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone, its that time again. Hope you all had a lovely weekend and well rested and ready for the week ahead whatever it may bring! Dont you just love it when the universe brings unexpected new opportunities or new people into your life? I know performers are constantly looking for new opportunities as thats part of the job! I think we all crave something new in our lives from time to time! Its the new people that come into our lives that can have the greatest impact even if on the surface they are strangers! Im lucky in the fact that with my job I always get to meet lots of new and interesting/talented people. But I recently have had two of the most beautiful human beings come into my life. Now both of them dont know each other, come from different places but the crazy thing is both happen to be almost the same age and both happen to have been born with the same challenge! (I dont like to use the word disability as I find it such an ugly word! Disability tells you nothing about a person. Its unfortunately a word, a label with stigma, its an umbrella for so many diverse things, so I prefer the word Challenge)! So both have had to face the same difficult and testing challenge (I have such respect for both of them and what they have had to overcome) but omg I cant believe how different there lives have turned out from each other. Its so shocking!!! It seems its to do with choices and attitudes! Its truly unbelievable!! One came from a loving family that decided a normal school normal education was the way to go, however difficult it may be, with love support and encouragement, whilst the other came from a broken home and was sent away to a special school, growing up believing they will never mount to anything, will never have a good life because of there Challenge!! (Im not being judgemental btw Im just telling you the facts as I know from them, there words not mine). (Now for my words) One is a shining beacon of light. The most wonderful soul you will ever encounter, living life to the full, fulfilling huge incredible dreams, a role model, having a hugely successful career, inspiring others, the most positive person you will ever meet with so much love in there heart, whilst the other is isolated, guarded, never had a job, doesnt believe in dreams, I quote life is shit!! Deal with it! Very negative, very frustrated, has no ambition no hope in the heart. But when I see this special person (as negative as they are) I see a truly magnificent magical soul yearning to have the chance to shine bright! (If only they believed in them self as much as I believe in them)! I just cant stop thinking about the two of them, and how so different there lives are! Also about the impact of choices we make and even the effects of choices our parents made for us . Wow, one big decision can have such lasting affects! Note to oneself: Always listen to your heart and choose the right decision!!! It also makes me think about how attitude can affect you! With the one with the positive attitude and surrounded with love has the brightest most wonderful life whilst the one with the negative attitude struggles! So it doesnt matter if you are able-bodied or challenged in some way these issues can affect us all! It also shows what Ive always said, which is you have to be positive, be true to you! Its great to have dreams and so important to have hope! With out it I guess the world can be a very dark place! So I feel like Ive witnessed with my own eyes the impact of a positive outlook and upbringing against negative outlook and I just cant seem to shake it from my mind right now, hence I decided to share it with you all lol. But its had such an impact on me this past week! Its clearly shown me what impact love and a positive attitude can have on someone. Every Monday I always try and give you all a positive message and remind you all to be true to yourself, believe in yourself, follow your dreams and always have hope, and for me, meeting these 2 incredible human beings as different as there lives have turned out to be, has clarified to me, the importance and benefits of a positive mindset and attitude. So it doesnt matter who you are or what challenges you may be facing (lets face it, we are all faced with challenges from time to time, thats life), but its how we deal with them, our attitudes and thoughts and how we apply it to our lives, and how we conquer those challenges and the way we conquer those challenges in our daily lives is what truly matters. (Performers always go into an audition telling yourself its mine! Im gonna book it!)!!!!! So what ever you are facing or dealing with in your life right now please remember to try and stay positive, no matter what as negativity is damaging and harmful to everyone. And as for the 2 wonderful human beings that came into my life, I dont know how long we will be in each others lives but I will be eternally grateful for meeting them both and hope we have all had some kind of positive impact on each other :) So have a wonderful positive week and a momentous Monday xx
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 06:35:09 +0000

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