Goodmorning.... WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT..... My dear please - TopicsExpress


Goodmorning.... WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT..... My dear please do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate & bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride in whatever u do & you will have a great life. Whatever happened in your life, you can either feel sorry for yourself or see it as a great experience. Everything that happens is for a purpose, the TRUTH is, you dont know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. Do the best you can today and that is all. TRY to be cheerful & happy in every situation U find myself. For the greater part of our unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our make-up. At times, be the ANGEL that people need. Visit & cook a dish for a sick friend. GHC5 tip will make someones day. Let people know that GOOD people still exist. Cutting people out of your life doesnt mean you hate them, it simply means you respect yourself. Not everyone is meant to stay. Dont be upset and caught up with things or people you cant change. Instead ,let go, move on and concentrate on what you CAN change because you deserve to be happy. You need to see that life is just not perfect. We will not always get what we want. People will leave. But God will always lead us where we are supposed to be. Its hard to find people who give as people take it for GRANTED. When someone does u a favour, accept it in a way that makes the person wish he had done MORE. Dont waste your life in doubts & fears. Be assured the right performance of this days duty will be the best preparation for the days or ages that follow it. The most original thing about us is our capacity to CREATE, to overcome, to ENDURE, to transform, and to be GREATER than our suffering because Life has no smooth road for any of us; Sometimes when we have things going well for us, very rough moment set us. You have what it takes to overcome. Our lives are full of decisions made everyday, and for every choice, theres no easy map for making the right decision. But the best u can is to approach it reasonably. Now one of the most dangerous things we do to ourselves is to try to convince our heads of something our hearts know is a lie. Whatever it is, FACE it as it is, because PATIENCE is not sitting & waiting. It is foreseeing. Its like looking at the night but seeing the day and the greatness ahead; knowing you will be part of it. Dont fear loneliness. Depending on someone is not worth it. Move through your fear and u will see freedom. U will see that what u are looking for is within u. Be aware of the legacy u leave. We have little time on this earth, so seek to understand the power of love & peace. No matter who u are, leave a good legacy. Count your blessings - Thank your God that you are who you are. Nobody else is like you & never will be. Be grateful for such blessings & let it give you JOY. Sometimes we get too involved with big things and miss other things that count: family, health, loved ones etc. Love them & they will love you when u need them. Appreciating someone does not make you less important. This is not a war of ego. Your words of appreciation reveal your humble nature & will make them like you. Forget YESTERDAY, and it has already forgotten you. Dont sweat TOMORROW, because you havent even met. Instead, open your heart to the precious gifts of TODAY, time is free but its priceless. You can not own it, but you can use it. You cant keep it, but can spend it. Once you have lost it you can never get it back. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them and work hard. When you get in the morning, think of what a precious opportunity it is to be ALIVE, to BREATH, to THINK, to ENJOY, to LOVE: Go out and make today count. Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them today/tomorrow, but if you follow them carefully, they will lead you to your destination. Life is either a bold adventure or nothing. We have to keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate. Do the best you can. Do you know why God created gaps between fingers? So that someone special comes and fill those gaps by holding your hand forever. Happiness is yours to keep. Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem come to make us or break us. The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious. And the secret of success is not the number of times you give, but the number of times you give your heart to God. He alone can guarantee success in our lives. No matter how tough you are, life can hit you harder than anything else, its not how hard you get hit, but how you move forward is the case. Pray and have Hope A strong and positive attitude creates more miracle than any other thing, because life is 10 percent how you make it , and 90 percent how you take it. All living things are alive, but not all things alive are living. Theres nothing like surviving. Live beyond surviving because surviving is for the dying soul We often hold on to many things that cause us great pain. Instead of letting them all go, we cling on to them. Embrace change and be willing to let them go. Give up your need to always be right. There are many of us who think we are right even at the risk of causing great pain. Stop that and appreciate peoples view Give up your need to criticize people that are different from you. We are all different. We all want something, and somehow we will all be happy. Many people live a life that is not theirs to live. They ignore their inner voice and leave according to peoples expectation. You have one life, live and own it, sometimes Its hard to give up the past when it looks better than the present and the future scares. But the present moment is all you have and will ever have, live it well. When someone treats u like u are just one of their options, just help narrow their choice by removing yourself out of the equation. Its not pride, its SELF RESPECT. All you have to do sometimes is to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve because its better to listen to your head sometimes not your heart. Someday everything will make perfect sense. So now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, remind yourself that everything happens for a reason, and dont forget that the failure to meet our own expectation is not related to happiness, but the ability to fail and still appreciate the experience is actually a core for happines because in life there may be times when negativity seem to surround us, choking our dreams and destroying our hope but dont worry just belief and you will overcome. What you need to do next is to surround yourself with positive people and spend your time with those who inspire you, life you up and help you see the world for the beautiful place it is. Because Life is unpredictable and you have to roll with the hits. Be grateful for the blessings. Stop complaining because it creates worry and takes away your happiness The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. Dont ruin a perfect today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Leave it where it belong and just laugh. Always work for a cause not for applause. Live life to express not to impress. Dont strive hard to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. Do things to make yourself happy. Let yourself have something special every now and again. Focus on your physical and emotional sides. Do what you like more. There is always a price to greatness and success and those who embrace it and are open to new ideas and alternative find better ways of achieving success. There is a story behind every one. There are reasons why they happen, not because they want to but sometimes must happen. Its not the end results which defines our ideal selves. Its not finishing the race that makes us happy, its achieving a difficult long term goal that does. Morning is not only sunrise but a beautiful miracle of GOD that defeats the darkness and spreed light. May everyday spread light in your whole life. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:42:27 +0000

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