Gorgeous truths from a 20 something hooligan... As if our eyes - TopicsExpress


Gorgeous truths from a 20 something hooligan... As if our eyes reflected eternity Today my family and I joined a few friends in packing and distributing dozens of lunches for the homeless of the Twin City area. Weve never done this to commemorate Christmas Day before, but every since I was little I have been surrounded by thoughts, feelings, and actions that permeated a clear message into my soul: I will never truly be who I am truly meant to be until I lead a life that, in some way, helps others be who they are truly meant to be. While Im certainly still working on embodying that message, today felt like a clear step in the right direction. Ill admit that at first I was a little nervous- 23 years-old, white, middle-class, working on a graduate degree- and although my family has seen their fair share of economic, physical, and emotional trials, few things really qualify me for a heap of empathy for the homeless, the hungry, and the cold, especially around Christmas time. How would I be viewed? Would my efforts, though genuine and honest, really mean much when a large percentage of my time feels, in reality, devoted to me, myself, and I when convenient? As we drove to the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul, we spotted a man sitting on the curb of an approaching cross-section. We immediately passed up a bag to my mom along with a few dollars. To sum up the general sentiment, let me quote my 13 year-old brother who had just woken up from a quick car nap: Wow, that felt really good. Im not even tired anymore! Hearts full and eyes moist, we continued towards the center. Upon arriving- without skipping a beat- we jumped out of the van, each grabbed a box full of brightly colored bags, and walked along the line of people waiting to get into the center. Distribution was sweet and swift, and with every exchange rang kind greetings and appreciative acceptances. Within seconds our two distinct groups with- at face value- a myriad of differences melted together, creating a scene of effort, empathy, and love (the age-old recipe for fostering humanization). Cares and fears washed away, sibling rivalries dissipated, and the holiday season no longer felt like it had to meet a certain price or be wrapped up in pretty packaging with the perfect bow. An indescribable, addicting Spirit was very present as we each saw the light in each other and ourselves- as if our eyes reflected eternity- and during our drive home this warmth remained while we discussed how we can better contribute to humanity. Jordan Wilson-Kennedy
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:02:06 +0000

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