Gov. Akpabios Pension Bill: An Uncommon Display Of Greed . | The - TopicsExpress


Gov. Akpabios Pension Bill: An Uncommon Display Of Greed . | The Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly just passed the Governor/Deputy Governors pension bill as sent to them by Akpabio. Meaning that from next year, Akpabio and Victor Attah will each be taking home 5 million USD annually…(Note that Ive left out the monies the deputies would be collecting) So its 10 million dollars for both of them each year till they die. Lets put the next 8 years into perspective (period till another Governor joins them). 80 million US dollars would have gone down the drains. I remember Didier Drogba using the 5million USD he got from an endorsement to build a hospital in Ivory Coast in 2010, the year after, he single handedly won Chelsea the champions league trophy with a 7-star performance in the finals. These men dont know the kind of curses theyre heaping upon themselves as they loot our commonwealth without thinking twice. If 5 million Dollars could be used for one state of the art hospital, it means 80million could build 16 such hospitals. Thats roughly one hospital for every state in the south of Nigeria. Then the monies about to be stolen by the deputies in that same period would be enough to run those hospitals and also subsidize treatments in same period. Theyre four actions Nigerians could take against this madness. 1. Do nothing (as they do most times. Saying to themselves that it will get better one day) 2. Make the usual surface noise theyve been making of recent when issues like this come up. Eg, #OccupyNigeria and #bringbackourgirls 3. Embark on a Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi or Dalai Lama styled, silent revolution. This could be achieved through religious leaders leading their congregations in unending protests at the government and also embarking on Tibetan styled spiritual exercises like extreme hunger strike (fasting). 4. The violent revolution; A Jerry Rawlings styled revolution or one like the Arab Spring. When I shared my thoughts on this shameless show of corruption the other day, a friend of mine asked me if the President didnt have a similar pension scheme running (he doesnt as the NASS rejected the idea). Another was of the opinion that people talking against the bill were doing so because their state governors dont have access to such oil wealth
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 16:24:38 +0000

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