Governor Nixon is creepy. I am sorry, but it is a sad day when - TopicsExpress


Governor Nixon is creepy. I am sorry, but it is a sad day when Governor Jay Nixon vetoes a bill that prohibits schools from REQUIRING the use of such things as an ID bracelet to identify and transmit information regarding a student, or TRACK THEM. (Did you get that last part….TRACK THEM????) WE NEED FOR OUR LAWMAKERS TO OVERRIDE THE VETO AND PROTECT OUR KIDS! The Veto Session will begin tomorrow in the Missouri Legislature. Let your Senator and Representative KNOW that you EXPECT an override of SB 523. This bill was sent to the Governor to be signed as law: SB 523 - This act prohibits school districts from requiring a student to use an identification device that uses radio frequency identification technology to identify the student, transmit information regarding the student, or monitor or track the location of the student. HE VETOED IT. What is an identification device you might ask? One example: Scooped by Todd Reimer onto Space Between! Gates Funds Wrist Bracelets to Monitor Teaching Effectiveness | Space Between | From - July 31, 2013 10:02 AM The Gates foundation has decided to fund a university study to test the effectiveness of teaching techniques using bracelets fitted with electronic devices. The Gates Foundation is offering cash to Clemson University to study the effectiveness of using sensors worn on the wrists of school children to measure how engaged they are in their lessons, and thus, the effectiveness of what is being taught. The bracelets are able to measure excitement, stress, degree of engagement, fear, degree of relaxation and boredom, which is why the Gates Foundation says they should be used to study the effectiveness of teaching techniques and practices. Education News calls the whole thing a shame, suggesting that the elite are attempting to take over the education system to use it for their own purposes. | via Sydney Morning Herald Why is the REAL reason for the bracelets? Some insight here: naturalnews/036171_Bill_Gates_bracelets_monitoring.html In Japan in one school every student is monitored for his/her own safety by being required to wear an RFID bracelet. Read about that here: rfidjournal/articles/view?2050 MANY are protesting this on behalf of the children of our Country by pleading with school boards and legislators to protect our childrens right to privacy. Even though they are kids, they still have the reasonable expectation of privacy and human dignity. EPIC (Electronic Privacy and Information Center) EPIC Urges to Stop RFID-Tracking Scheme for School Children. EPIC, along with EFF and the ACLU-Northern California, urged the Brittan School Board in a joint letter to terminate an experimental program using mandatory ID badges tracking childrens movements in and around the school with RFID technology. The letter (pdf) argues that the program breaches childrens right to privacy and dignity as human beings by treating them like cattle or a piece of inventory. Read more about that here: One has to wonder if Bill Gates is funding Governor Nixons veto. If only the money was that easy to follow! I betcha we would find it somewhere. SHAME on you Governor Nixon! Shame on you!!!!!!! Let your elected officials KNOW YOU EXPECT FOR THEM TO OVERRIDE THIS VETO AND PROTECT THE CHILDREN OF MISSOURI!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:42:11 +0000

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