Greetings Beloved Family; Humble thanks and heart-felt - TopicsExpress


Greetings Beloved Family; Humble thanks and heart-felt appreciation to those whove supported my work from the very beginning to the present. Your trust, friendship and concern have been more valuable to me than gold, and has been inspirational in fueling my undying resolve to unearth the truth wherever it is buried, and present it to you to the best of my understanding and ability. I am writing today to extend a special note of thanks for all the positive feed-back I have been receiving of late regarding my book The Wounded Womb. Most satisfying has been the commentary of those who admittedly doubted or dismissed the validity of its content at the beginning, which they eventually came to embrace after a deeper scrutiny of the researched science included therein. This month (March) has been deemed Womens History Month, and I ask the family to consider acquiring a copy for the mothers, sisters, and especially young daughters who now face the unrelenting onslaught of a desensitized feminized society today...a society that has deliberately undermined the quintessential principles that constitute the higher attributes of divinity in womanhood today. We witness daily evidence of the often irreparable damage being done to the minds, bodies and souls of our young women (and men) whove bourne the brunt of the consequences of this societys tactical war on the sacred principles of Gender. The Wounded Womb exposes the social, economic, metaphysical, and psycho-political strategies of weaponized feminism, and how it has specifically affected the overall quality of life for our beloved sisters today. Also; to those of you whove read my thesis I ask that you please log on to the purchase page below and add your personal impression of the it good OR bad!! :) I take criticisms of my writing with the same good-natured humility as I do compliments. Again, my sincerest thanks and appreciation for all the support I have received from you of these many beloved family. lulu/content/2166333 Love, Light, and Transcendence... Dr. Valentine
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 14:52:07 +0000

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