Greetings. Sesheta here, your Reporting Angel currently abiding at - TopicsExpress


Greetings. Sesheta here, your Reporting Angel currently abiding at Agape, with great news to expand your point of views! Rev. Michael’s theme for the month of May has been “Submerge, Emerge, Converge.” We’ve all heard plenty about the troubles of the wworld and the constrictions caused by our apparent additions to the worry, the woe, the ‘why me?’ and the ‘But, I wanna-be…’ monologues. The impact of all the negative news can have us crying the blues. Not to mention the worst-case scenarios and all the ‘ain’t it awful?’ thoughts and the consciousness that goes along with them. Well, Rev. Michael says, dont go trying to stick your head in the mud and deny the experience of the experience. When you feel on the verge of ‘losing it,’ Submerge and Free yourself in the Spirit. That’s right. Don’t just wade in the water, (and don’t try to walk on it yet either), go ahead and take the plunge. Dive deep underneath the wave of human consciousness and into the refreshing, revitalizing Ocean of Devotion. Be holy-baptized and anointed in the Sea of Love. Allow yourself to be immersed in the flow of the fundamental order of the universe. Become saturated by what is Real. Get steeped in your absolute Oneness with All That Is. Rev. Michael teaches that when the conditions are right, that which is Divine and already within you emerges, and spontaneous goodness breaks out all over. Are you ready for this? Nevermind. The Spirit qualifies the called. Submerging and surrendering yourself to be steeped in the Spirit creates the right conditions. Dwelling in the Timeless Dimension (as ‘in no time at all’) a blissful buoyancy begins to bubble up from within you. In the precise and perfect Now Moment that you’re ready, you become aware that you are floating up into the Light of a new day. You Emerge and See that you are cleansed, clear, purified and wholly transformed. That you have caught, and are even now merging with, a reflection of your Self as the Divine. You are re-membering Who You Really Are and YOU are emerging without crisis, calamity or emergency! Your perception expands so that you can see the Truth. Yes. You see that the challenges actually come to activate a latent gift within you that you have been asking to receive all along. You see yourSelf as the Divine Mother/Heavenly Father/Holy Spirit sees you---perfect, whole and complete no matter what ‘news’ the world may bring you. The Rev says that the Universe doesn’t go backwards. And neither can you. So, having emerged, you naturally, easily and effortlessly are ready for the next step---to choose to Converge. Like a drop of water in the ocean, you are One with the One and cannot ever be separated from your Go(o)d. Having consciously ‘come out from among them,’ you realize now that you are not alone. Never have been. Never could be. You Converge and Be the Whole that is always greater than the sum of Its parts. Where two or more (or up to over six billion) are gathered in agreement, there is the Christ Consciousness in the midst of them. BAM! (Bless and Multiply!) Your emergence has been a ‘Christening!’ You realize that you are actually surrounded by like-minded individuals with whom you are co-creating the Beloved Community in the Heart of a World That Works for everyone. Where every human action is understood to be either a great expression of Love --- or a fervent Call for It. It’s a real world where the headlines can’t steal your joy, sabotage your dreams or rain on your parade. Where you know that the apparent conditions are giving rise to infinite possibilities and that beyond a shadow of a doubt, all things really are working together for good. There’s an old ‘Negro’ Spiritual that says, “Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world.” But wait. Not so fast. The Rev says that solutions to problems are birthed through those who are holding the vision for infinite good. Do that. Faithfully hold the high vision of the best version of your life unfolding in every Now moment. Be awake, aware and available to the infinite miraculous unfolding of a friendly universe. Catch the vision and see the Best of Everything shape-shifting as ever-expanding good in your life and in the Life of All. Commit yourself to distributing the gifts you came to share, and to making your unique contributions to creating Heaven here on earth. In the meantime, in the words of Maya Angelou, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 11:55:59 +0000

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