Guess I was due for a day like this Havent had one for - TopicsExpress


Guess I was due for a day like this Havent had one for awhile!!! (1) got up at 4 and wanted to go back to bed at 5 but knew if I did I would get the call to go meet the semi to pick up dog food ( have to do this about 25 minutes away) so got showered and had coffee. A lot of times he calls about 7 and then meets me 30 minutes later appx… got the call at 10 that he was running late and would be there between 1 and 2…. he called at 1 so off I went .. (2) while waiting for him to arrive went to the bank 2 cars in line so went to the line where put the money in and it flys up the the tube… Took the tube put my money and deposit in put the tube back in slot and it rolled out and under the truck had to get out and crawl halfway under the truck to retrieve it.. (3) got loaded with the dog food and came home.. (4) went out to start the lawn tractor (which by the way other day hit clothes line and the blade grabbed it soooo fast unbelievable how much line it can wrap around before you can turn it off…. spent 2 and half hrs using a box cutter on my back holding up the shield thank god it was cloth… then a friend came over and finished I tried using a battery operated saw but that didnt work by the way !! Anyway go out to get on it today and anyone who knows my dog Badger knows how quiet and good he is, He is always worried he will get in trouble never has been.. Even last night deer were in pasture when I was locking goats in and he went after moles he leaves deer alone… Now Cassie (Franks cocker who is death and half blind decides she is going to go after the deer !! I needed a video Austrian Shepherd digging for moles and Cocker chasing the deer !! I had to almost tackle her…. Now back to lawn tractor, it wont start and first thought was the battery but NOOO couldnt be that easy, evidently Badger was after a mouse that ran up into the lawn tractor and being the mouser he is (Gizmo the cat honestly will lay there and just let a mouse run by, he did that a few months ago I had to call the dogs to get it !!) Badger decided he was going to get the one that was going in or was in the lawn tractor and guess he decided he was going to get it no matter what solo he grabbed a mouthful of wires and yanked them all out !!! Its a wonder the tire wasnt ripped off or the hood or seat !! The worse part is before I knew this I heard him in the canvas carport last nigh and called him in and told him GOOD BOY just thought he had gotten another mouse!!! Then t I played frisbee with him today for first time in ages he probably thinks he was being rewarded !! just hope a mouse doesnt try getting into the truck !!! Its 5:30pm and I was going to bake some chicken but not sure if I should handle anything that could be dangerous !! Or my luck a customer will come and I will forget I have it in the oven !! And how was your day??
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 00:40:39 +0000

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