HAPPY NEW MOON! INTENTION SETTING TIME, FOR REALS YALL!!! After the very emotional and watery Cancer full moon we can now look forward to the Aquarius new moon that is coming on Thursday. This airy moon refocuses on the practical steps we need to take during this moon cycle. The Aquarius moon gives us permission to dream a better world into being. It is pragmatic, logical and objective enabling us to see things in a more truthful light. This is the moon to start thinking outside the box to change those things you are not happy with. Over this humanitarian moon, we become more aware of the bigger picture, rather than get caught up in our separate dramas and issues. We also naturally feel more sympathetic and compassionate, as this moon wakes us up out of our slumber and we see the injustices that are happening around us. We also feel more connected to each other and mother earth so if you are naturally altruistic, this moon will inspire you to follow this passion and help to better the lives of others. Ruled by Uranus, we are spurred on by the energy of rebellion, change and taking our mental understanding into the realm of the collective consciousness. It often brings a crisis or shock so that we get shaken out of our comfort zone and a catalyst to create new in our lives. This moon can, therefore,often spark uprisings, revolts and revolutions if enough people refuse to accept what is happening and start to take the power back. Others will find they are inspired to find less violent solutions to some of the challenges we face. This is a non-judgmental moon and gives us the courage to be and say what we are truly feeling. This can be very liberating, so use this moon energy to encourage you to say what is on your heart and be more of who you are. The more we practice this, the quicker the fear melts away and the easier it becomes. However, we may find that people are not so warm and emotional during this moon. Try not to get too downhearted, especially if you need the recognition of others to make you feel good. Another weakness over this moon is becoming too opinionated or knowing it all, to the extent that you alienate those around you. Become aware of this behaviour, especially if you have had a breakthrough idea/vision. There are many points of view and its worth hearing them, even if you disagree with it. The key to surfing this wave is to not take anything too personally. The truth is we should never take anything personally, as this is a sure fire way to knock us off our perch. Over this moon, bring the focus back to yourself and try not to get too caught up in the agendas of others. This moon was known as a purification moon, and the Roman’s used the month of February to purify their houses and outhouses. Symbolised by the water bearer (depicted as the goddess) pouring water over the planet, this moon empowers us to wash away our past so we can fertilise the ground for our new dreams and visions. This moon also heralds Imbolc, the cross quarter Celtic festival that celebrates the first days of spring, and Chinese New Year, that is always over this new moon. This year is symbolised by the Wooden Horse. This is always an exciting time, as we can see nature beginning to awaken. Look out for the early spring flowers, such as snowdrops and hyacinth. And if nature is stirring out of its winter hibernation, so are we. This is a good moon to take some time out in Nature, or the wilderness. Remember to take your shoes and socks off, so you spend some time barefoot on the ground. Plant your feet firmly on the earth and feel the electro-magnetic pulse of Mother earth enter through the soles of your feet, and flow around your body. Let its natural creativity inspire and stimulate you. I will end this Lunascope with the wise words of Marianne Williamson: The secret of success is to realize that the crisis on our planet is much larger than just deciding what to do with your own life, and if the system under which we live, the structure of western civilization, begins to collapse because of our selfishness and greed, then it will make no difference whether you have $1 million dollars when the crash comes or just $1.00. The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of the world. (from Rebekah Shaman)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:21:15 +0000

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