HAVE YOU HAD A GOD-CRAFTED WINK? “I was QUESTIONING GOD. ‘Did my dad ... whom everyone knew as GEORGE ... make it to HEAVEN?’ A short while later I was in a little GIFT SHOP just browsing. My eyes fell upon an ETCHING on a piece of glass. I couldn’t see what it said. I had to actually get down on my knees. It was titled, ‘MY FIRST CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN.’ I read it. But imagine my surprise; at the very end it was signed ... ‘LOVE GEORGE.’ Wow. As if it was written just for me from Dad! I was ECSTATIC. I was on the biggest high ever! Of course, I bought the etching, and gave it to Mom for Christmas.” Michelle Combs ••• Have YOU received a GODWINK like that? A little message so special, it just HAD to be GOD-CRAFTED, just for you, at a time when you really needed a BOOST OF ENCOURAGEMENT? Michelle will always treasure the godwink ... her Mom will treasure the etching from her late husband. Wishes for bountiful winks this week. SQuire
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 23:50:00 +0000

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