HEALTHY SPICES YOU SHOULD ADD TO YOUR "DIET" (pending any allergies that may medically prevent them) Turmeric Turmeric, a yellow-orange colored spice commonly used in South Asian recipes, comes from a root in the ginger family and is known for its many health benefits. Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, has high antioxidant content and has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation in the body. A recent study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry suggests that curcumin may improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy in cancer patients; the study concludes that this healthy spice could potentially be used as an adjuvant chemotherapeutic drug. Another recent study published in Phytotherapy Research suggests that turmeric may be used to effectively treat patients with major depressive disorder, possibly more effectively than other anti-depressant medications currently on the market. Add one teaspoon of turmeric to your next curry dish to benefit from the many health advantages of this super-spice. Cinnamon Cinnamon, a unique spice with a sweet and woody fragrance, is often used to enhance the flavor of pastries, breads and rolls. Although people recognize the taste benefits, most are not aware of the health benefits associated with this spice. For example, cinnamon has one of the highest antioxidant levels of all spices. Incorporating this power spice into your daily diet is an easy way to help protect your cells from oxidative damage. Plus, cinnamon is rich in natural compounds called polyphenols that may act like insulin in the body to help lower blood sugar levels. Sprinkle some cinnamon into your morning oatmeal or yogurt for this important health benefit. With 4 grams of fiber per tablespoon, it’s also a healthy and delicious way to keep hunger pains at bay. Nutmeg Nutmeg is a popular spice that has been used for its medicinal properties and healing powers since ancient times. In fact, when it comes to calm and soothing effects on your mood, nutmeg should be the ultimate spice of choice. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that the extract from nutmeg seeds elicits a significant antidepressant-like effect in mice. Try adding 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg to ground coffee to enjoy a flavorful beverage without the extra calories, sodium or fat. Cayenne pepper Cayenne pepper, a vitamin-A rich spice related to the chili pepper, is known for the spicy twist it gives to simple meals. The pepper originated near Cayenne, French Guiana in South America, where spicy flavors and seasonings are a staple in most households. Capsacin, the active ingredient that gives the pepper its distinct taste, has medicinal benefits including fighting inflammation, boosting circulation and improving digestion. A study in Physiology and Behavior also suggests that consuming cayenne peppers helps burn calories and curb appetite. The researchers concluded that eating concentrations of the spice in real food (rather than taking them as supplements) may be most effective for weight management. Like most peppers though, a little bit of this spice goes a long way. Sprinkle cayenne pepper into a vegetable stir-fry for a spicy meal with a heart healthy kick. Garlic powder Garlic, characterized by its potent smell and strong flavor, is a popular spice in many cuisines. For many years, garlic has been praised for its health-boosting properties. It has been used to fight cancer, infections, heart disease and even the common cold. A recent study in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture suggests that garlic could reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, especially when used long-term. The researchers concluded that garlic therapy could significantly benefit individuals at risk for heart disease. Incorporate garlic powder into your diet to benefit from garlic’s anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Try adding this spice to your favorite marinara sauce and throw the sauce over a whole wheat pasta for a complete meal with added health benefits. AS ALWAYS FITNESS FANS.. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE.. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO... ASK.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 23:33:21 +0000

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