HEAVEN OR HELL? ~ It Is Your Choice To Decide! TAKE - TopicsExpress


HEAVEN OR HELL? ~ It Is Your Choice To Decide! TAKE NOTE: Gods standard of making heaven is already set, which is Holiness & nothing can ever change it, so to enter Heaven, YOU MUST MEET UP TO THIS STANDARD OF HEAVEN. {HEAVEN - HOLINESS = HELL FIRE} God in His Infinite Wisdom created man as a FREE-MORAL AGENT, capable of his own will & God doesnt temper with that even though He has All the Power in His disposal to change mans will. Making Heaven is not by force, it is a matter of choice & willingness as well as serving the Lord is not compulsory, it is ur personal choice & decision (Read Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Joshua 24:15). God advises & commands men to CHOOSE LIFE by choosing His grace and means of entering ETERNAL LIFE, thus cancelling ETERNAL DEATH. Man can & must make the choice, FOR GOD DOES NOT FORCE THE WILL OF ANYONE TO SERVE HIM, SURRENDER TO HIM, OR REMAIN OBEDIENT TO HIS WILL. All men always, and without exception, are FREE TO CHOOSE LIFE OR DEATH, BLESSINGS OR CURSES. Also know this that: DECISION DETERMINES DESTINY. YOUR DECISIONS CAN MAKE OR MAR U. - If U Choose Everlasting Life, Then U Will Make It To Heaven & If U Choose Death & Destruction, Then U Will End Up In Hell. Hell fire was initially created for the devil & his fallen angels and if human beings created by God determine to go to Hell, there is nothing further that God can do to rescue them but if on the contrary u are so desirous & determined to get to Heaven, the Lord Himself will surely grant u all the needed grace, strength & everything it will take to get there at the end (Read Matthew 25:41; Romans 1:21-32). Oh yes, it is NOT THE WILL OF GOD that any man should perish (that is to die & go to hell fire) but that ALL (even the whole world) should come to repentance - TO AVOID HELL FIRE & MAKE HEAVEN. In fact, that was why Jesus came to die for the SINS OF ALL MEN but so many people living in the world today have despised Christ & have not yet accepted Him into their lives and we know that JESUS IS THE FREE GIFT OF GOD TO MANKIND (Read John 3:16-20; 2 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 22:17). How do u expect to escape the wrath & judgement of God in Hell Fire when u have spurn His love so divine & the GIFT OF SALVATION thru Christ Jesus? Jesus died for the salvation of the whole human race to rescue their souls from perishing in Hell Fire but countless souls are still going to hell fire even today...WHY IS THIS? It is bcos they have refused to accept the FREE GIFT OF GOD (John 3:18,19). Therefore, if men persist in REBELLION & REJECTION of Gods love for them, then it will reach a point in time that God will GIVE THEM UP (forsake, abandon them) and over to their own foolish minds & evil ways which will damn their souls forever (Romans 1:24,26,28,32). - The Holy Spirit of God that convicts & converts men will leave them on their own bcos of their self-will, hardness of heart, stubborness & disobedience against God their Creator; that means there is hardly a hope for them to repent. It is something that God is forced to do bcos He cannot save men who persist in damning their own souls thereby frustrating the Grace of God and HEAVEN IS TOO HOLY to admit them, that is why they will be debarred from Heaven forever more (Revelation 21:27). God has made the laws of sowing & reaping and this is the sense in which God has nothing to do with such destinies (Galatians 6:7-8; Isaiah 45:7). - If u sow to urself corruption, ull surely reap corruption. If u sow righteousness, good will come to u. If u sow seed of sin here on earth, ull reap untold & everlasting suffering in Hell fire IF U DONT REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. >>> POINT OF CORRECTION: Some people erroneously believe that it is God who decides or determines the final destinies of people, whether HEAVEN Or HELL...NO, THIS IS NOT TRUE BCOS THE BIBLE CLEARLY TOLD US IN 2 PETER 3:9 THAT THE LORD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE, SO THAT AT THE END THEY CAN MAKE HEAVEN TOO. Just as Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 that it is those that do the will of God that will enter Heaven, & now we know that His will is that we should REPENT & LIVE A HOLY LIFE ALL THE DAYS OF OUR LIFE TO GAIN ENTRANCE TO HEAVEN. If u have not yet REPENTED FROM UR SIN, and u now know that Jesus loves u, died for u & is offering u eternal life but u are still rejecting his priceless sacrifice for u, my friend, u are not doing the will of God. If u are not yet HOLY WITHIN & WITHOUT, but u keep giving excuse that u are just an imperfect human instead of relying on Gods grace to make u holy & keep u holy, then u are not doing the will of God. If u are still a friend of the world, u are still doing like the worldly people, u dress like them, u talk like them and we cant differentiate u as a supposed Christian from the worldly people & their worldly systems & lifestyles, then u are not doing the will of God. If u are not obeying the whole commandments of God in the Bible, u only select one part & leave the other part, then u are not doing the will of God. LET ME TELL U, IF U ARE NOT DOING THE WILL OF GOD FROM THE HEART, THAT IS WITH A PERFECT HEART, THERE IS NO HEAVEN FOR U MY DEAR FRIEND, IT IS JESUS THAT SAY SO NOT ME. >>> ANOTHER POINT OF CORRECTION: Looking at LIFE OF JUDAS ISCARIOT, He was one of the disciple of Jesus. He was actually called & commissioned by Jesus just like the other 11 disciples. He was a chosen & empowered apostle, he was the treasurer of the disciples and even a successful preacher & healer BUT HE BECAME A THIEF & AN ADVERSARY OF CHRIST LATE IN HIS MINISTRY. He betrayed Jesus by selling him off to the chief priests & latter committed suicide & is lost in Hell fire. TAKE NOTE PLS: Of a truth, it was prophesied of Judas Iscariot that he will betray Christ but he was not lost that prophecy might come to pass, but prophecy foretold the fact of his wilful sin & lost state. JUDAS ISCARIOT WAS LOST BCOS HE REFUSED TO BE SAVED AFTER BACKSLIDING; HE WAS LOST THRU HIS OWN AVARICE & STUBBORNESS TO COME BACK TO CHRIST EVEN AFTER HIS CRIME BUT HE CHOOSED TO KILL HIMSELF, COMMITTED SUICIDE WHICH IS ALSO A SIN AGAINST GOD BCOS GOD IS THE GIVER & TAKER OF LIFE, JUST LIKE THE WAY KING SAUL & HIS ARMOUR BEARER, AHITHOPHEL, ZIMRI IN THE BIBLE ALL COMMITTED SUICIDE (1 Samuel 31:4-5; 2 Samuel 17:23; 1 Kings 16:18; Matthew 27:5; Acts 1:18). - Anyone that kill himself (suicide) will open his eyes in Hell fire. SUICIDE WILL TAKE U TO HELL FIRE, IT IS A SIN AGAINST GOD. It was prophesied of Judas Iscariot that he will betray Christ but it was never prophesied of him that he will or must go to hell fire. Look at the example of Simon Peter, Jesus also prophesied of Peter that hell deny Him in Matthew 26:30-35; Mark 14:26-32; Luke 22:34; John 13:38 and Peter actually denied Christ in Matthew 26:69-75. But after denying Christ, Simon Peter immediately came back to his senses & repented before the Lord instead of going to commit suicide like JUDAS ISCARIOT did & ended up in Hell Fire. Peter received pardon from the Lord despite denying His Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. HOW ABOUT U MY DEAR FRIEND? Are u still living in sin or maybe an inconsistent life & the devil may be lying to u saying, HEAVEN IS NOT MEANT FOR U? Oh my God, how long would u continue to allow satan, the devil to fool u bcos he has vowed to take u to hell & has reserved a space for u over there...God Bid Hell Fire Shall Not Be Ur Portion. MY DEAR FRIEND, HELL FIRE IS NEVER A PLACE TO SEE NOT TO TALK OF BEING THERE FOREVER & EVER...Go & ask those that the Lord showed them Hell Fire, they themselves cant fully describe the TERRIBLE TORMENTS IN HELL FIRE. (Just this word LOST FOREVER scares me when it comes to discussion abt Hell Fire). A PRAYER FOR U: I command those demons assigned to ur life by satan and that devil, to STOP deceiving u & release u right NOW by the Power & the Anointing In The Unfailing Name Of Jesus. A-M-E-N! Now, that u are free from the influence of demonic powers, confess ur sins to the Lord in prayers & ask Jesus to cleanse u from all ur sins with His Precious Blood and make u HOLY WITHIN & WITHOUT bcos HOLINESS is the ONLY Qualification for entering Heaven at last (Matthew 5:8; Hebrews 12:14). THIS DECISION U ARE MAKING NOW TO ACCEPT JESUS INTO UR LIFE WILL CHANGE UR DESTINY FROM HELL FIRE TO HEAVEN. GO & SIN NO MORE BUT BEGIN TO LIVE A HOLY LIFE EVERYDAY BY THE ENABLING GRACE OF GOD IN JESUS NAME. AMEN!!!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:17:30 +0000

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