HELP NEEDED SISTERS: Salamu Aleikum Sisters, I hope this - TopicsExpress


HELP NEEDED SISTERS: Salamu Aleikum Sisters, I hope this message finds you all in the highest spirit of Islam, Inshallah. Lately very serious occurrences of Islamophobia increasing in incidence and violence have been aimed at Muslim women. In most cases Hijabis are of course the target since we are rather easy to identify as Muslims, but many women looking vaguely Muslim have also been attacked. This year alone some horrific attacks have taken place from the murder of a hijabi student in a park in the UK, to a young Indonesian woman having her hijab set on fire in Australia and just very recently another sister was beaten in a train station in Australia. Although some would find comfort in the fact that such things havent taken place in Canada, I would argue that it is simply a matter of time. Islamophobia is in the air sisters and more and more people feel entitled to utter racist and bigoted views about Muslims and Islam often emboldened by the thinly veiled bigotry of Media and politicians alike. I truly believe that it is only a matter of time before we start hearing and witnessing acts of extreme violence in Canada against Muslims and Muslim women particularly. This is one of those cases where we see it coming and we will only have ourselves to blame for not being prepared. I honestly dont mean to sound alarmist, but I refuse to sit by and allow myself and other Muslimas to become victims of intimidation and abuse. So, ladies lets get our heads and resources together. I need your help and your input to put the following together: -A SELF-DEFENCE CLASS: If youve previously taken such courses and can recommend a particular class please share it with us. If you know of any female instructors that youve worked with previously please share their names so I can get in touch with them. -A HARD CORE FITNESS PROGRAM: Full-disclosure; I really hate gyms lol. So Im appealing here to the fitness buffs in our midst, If any of you have experience in fitness or you know someone who does please share it with us. I think many of us (especially me) would benefit from gaining some muscles and increasing our endurance…lets face it those would-be douchebag attackers are not gonna hit themselves in the face, we need to be able to pack a punch ladies. -AN INFORMATION SESSION BY THE POLICE SERVICES: This might be useful in finding out what are our options if we are victims of harassment and intimidation. Finding out our legal recourses in these cases could help us take on such incidents from the beginning and stop them from escalating. It would also be interesting to find out what we are allow to carry for self-defense purposes: pepper spray, stun guns etc… Yes, this is a rather tall order but we can do it. Lets do it for ourselves and our loved ones. I look forward to hearing from you sisters, in the meantime please remain vigilant Inshallah.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:50:38 +0000

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