HI my name is mark, wow where do I begin. First of all the reason - TopicsExpress


HI my name is mark, wow where do I begin. First of all the reason I am writing this is because I need help. So I am reaching out to the world not just for money help but good hearted help, and by the way the money side of the help is secured and profitable. If you have the means to help me whether you have money, credit or any way to help me or knows someone that can help me, and before you decide you can’t help me I want you to hear my story. And my story I have to tell is one that needs to be heard, because before this happened to me, I thought people who were scammed were stupid. Well that was, before I was scammed and I saw how good these people really are and how far they will go to scam someone. I will get into the details later on in my story, but there is two ways that my family’s life is going to go in the near future. And if we can’t find the help soon, like yesterday soon, the first way is we will lose everything we have been trying to do for almost two years, ever sense this all started. My family and I will be homeless on the street, we will have no money, no transportation, destroyed credit and not have a very good start to a new beginning in life, and starting over this late in the game sucks as it is. The second way is meet someone who will help me and my family through this. This project I am working on is the key to making everything alright. If I can raise these funds my family and I will have a new start to a new life when this project is done. The project will take 12 months and, my family and I will be able to start over with $75,000 - $100,000.00, good credit, a good job, bills paid, new place to live and the stress, related to everything that we have been going through sense December 2011 gone and behind us for good. Now even though we have lost over $300,000.00 in the last 2 years between our house and my business because of what happened, we will still be on winning side, that’s if I can find the help now. So far all the people I have been dealing with lately work for a company and they are trained to close the good deals, but not all the good deals. Only if the list of the company’s criteria’s is meet and they never use any other way to put value on the deal. I believe there is another way to evaluate the deal and that’s the person behind the deal. And Most of the time, it’s the most important aspect of the deal and the final part of the decision when it comes to getting an approval for the deal. But let’s be honest if you own the company that lends money and you have employees close the deals, are you going to tell them to trust their instincts? Or are you going to tell them to only close only the deals that meet the criteria put in front of them. Of course you would train your employees your way and not let them go by their instincts to close those deals. Well I can’t find that company or private lender where I can meet all of the criteria’s they are asking for, even though I have a solid deal, it’s just not going to happen. Most of these companies I do come close to meeting their criteria’s but one thing don’t meet their criteria and it’s a dead deal. They are all the same; they just are not interested in the person behind the deal, and will not listen to that person. So I decided to write a time line of my life for the last couple of years to see what it looked like. And also see where things went wrong and when I looked at the time line it made me feel mad at, first. Then I felt so sad for my family and the families that were affected by all this happening. And then seeing the things I had to do to survive made me look to desperate to make it happen right. I just wanted to know why me, I’m a good person a hard working guy with a great family what did I do to deserve this , so I asked myself was it greed or was it just wanting to see my lifelong dream come alive . well I’m not a greedy person at all I’m actually a simple guy who wants to live life without any worries, a person people will look up to as a giver and a person they can count on. I just don’t need more than it takes to have a nice life and to be able to give my kids the opportunity to get a better start to their live than I did. The people who know me would tell you I would give you the shirt off my back to help them. I really wanted to see my dream come true and that is why I let all this happen. And you know what, if I didn’t get scammed, my dream of having a one stop shop company would have come true. And it did for a short time but could not continue because it did not have the necessary funds to run properly. It’s still is a great concept if you had the funds. And as you will see, the money or should I say the lack of having money made me desperate to try to catch up and get on the positive side of business and life. But it hasn’t happened yet. As much as I never gave up, what my efforts accomplished was nothing but drive me into the ground. We just ran out of time to get that break we needed to catch up and get in the line that’s moves you forward in life and business. So here I am I’m 49 years old and I’ve hit bottom and about to hit even lower. I am very scared, we are about to lose everything. We did finally reached the front of a line but it’s to fall off the cliff line not move you forward in life line. We were just like most Americans sometimes living on the better side and having fun sometimes away with the family, when you had some extra money and then sometimes things were a little tight when unexpected things would come up, but I always knew how to fix it and get back on track but this time I am lost and confused and don’t know where to turn. So many things have happened over the last two years. I’m staying strong but it has beaten me down hard. Hope I don’t bore you with this story and I hope it never happens to you or anyone you know. And this all documented. Every part of my story is true and nothing I tell you is made up to make it sound good for the story just to let you know. Let me tell you a little a about myself I’m been married 15 years with 4 great children. 23 girl, 14 girl, 13 girl, and 12 boy. my wife is so great and she has been so strong all through this. I am a leader. I grew up in a family business with 5 brothers and 4 sister’s .my brothers did different trades. And they worked for my dad’s construction company. I got to work and learn from all of them. And I used to dream about owning a company that did everything a one stop shop for people. Well I really leaned towards electrical trade and did well in the union in the northeast. I have 35 years’ experience in the building industry, I can do all major building, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, Low voltage/ communications, fine cabinetry, and flooring .There isn’t much I don’t do. I know enough and seen enough to do just about anything in the building industry. I moved to Florida 15 years ago, I moved here when my company offered me a deal. To move to Florida and open a communication division of the company. Well it went well for 4 years. Then the communication industry went belly up. And my company wanted me to come home and run the northeast division. And I decided, since I had that warm weather hook in me I just could not go back to the cold weather. So we decided to stay here and raise our family. So here we go I guess I will start just before things were going well for us. Like I said we were just like most Americans working and getting along in life. Well things were going ok I had a little company just me as a handyman I would just go from job to job. It seemed like I always had work. Then things really picked up when I started doing work for real estate companies. Small jobs at first but once I got into a neighborhood I landed lots of work from the neighbors. It reached a point that I needed to start hiring people to work for me, and it was tough because I was so anal about my work it had to be great or it wasn’t done. So I had my frustrating moments with hiring employees. So that was the end of 2009. The reason I started getting busy is because I could do so much for my contacts in the real estate business, they called me for everything. I loved doing the repairs after the home inspections were done to sell a home. The sellers never waited to make those repairs on the home inspectors report. and they just paid me to make sure it was ready to sell and I never failed them and most of the time I even went to do work at the new home of the seller, and I also worked for the new owner of that house, so you can see how if you do a great job, little things turn into bigger and better jobs. Well that’s where my dream started to come to life. A company that had every license to do everything for anyone. You know a (ONE STOP SHOP) for all your building needs but it would cost so much to get going and keep going I just could not afford it so it stayed a dream to work towards. Well years later I met this gentleman at a chamber meeting I will not mention any names I will call him money guy ,and we were there to talk about business so when he asked me about myself I told him about my company and my goals for the company how I already had a few divisions up and going already but 14 divisions was the goal and he loved the concept so much he and I became friends and he was married to the women who owned one of the largest RV dealers I have ever seen over 500 employees, and he told me he owned banks ever since he was 20 years old so I looked up to this guy as a mentor/friend I thought. Over the next couple of months he and I talked about business and one day he told me if I had the company put together like my dream he would invest five plus million into the company. Not only would he invest money into the company but he would bring many powerful contacts to the table. Because he had so many connections and so much money I thought I died and went to heaven I was going to see my dream come true. So I put every resource I had together and I even stopped building my home I was in the middle of building, so I could use the money for the company, my plan was to make it a loan to the company and then when he invested into the company I would get the money back and continue building my families dream home witch I had $300,000.00 already invested out of my savings and owed nothing on the home or the construction I have done. So I was off on my way, I started building the company. As I started building the other divisions and getting all my licenses together, building a website, bidding work. things was going great I was getting work ,this guy introduced me to very important people like other business people, mayor of one of the largest cities in Florida he even had me sit in with people from the white house. A round table business talk and I was invited to, he introduced me to Bob, he was there from Government procurement department, and he was the decision maker of what companies received government contracts so I was so excited to meet him. Well this went on for a short while and then it started getting to the point that I could not go much further without his investment I set up another meeting with the money guy. I told him I was ready to have him partner with me and let’s get this going. We had a meeting and at that meeting he told me he wanted to have a guy (his name was John) he knew make sure I was ready and if not he would help get us there, so I hired his buddies consultant company at 7200.00 for the month. And also he told me to get a meeting set up with all the employees and bring them together so they can meet him and what he had planned for the future of our company. And I did just that. There were 115 employees that showed up at the Marriott conference room and we had an awesome meet and greet for it’s hard to have everyone in one place at one time so when I took a step back and seen what I have built I was proud of what I accomplished. The meeting went well and some confusing rumors that were going around because of this new guy asking questions and poking around in the office got answered. He told everyone how successful he was and how he loved the company we had and that he would bring in money and work with us. I never was so happy besides when I meet my wife and the births of my children. That night I went home with a smile on my face that would not go anywhere. Knowing I have made my dream come to life. The next day I had john working with my company to put together a timeline to give the money guy along with the updated business plan we have been working on. And to close the deal for it was getting close to not having the money to continue without him. It took me two days to get it all together and have my lawyer get the paperwork ready. And I meet with the money guy the next morning and gave him everything he asked for. Then we ate breakfast talked about all the things we were going to do with the company. I was very excited. Well a few days went by and I called him and he said he was talking everything over with his wife and lawyer and he needed a few more days to put it all together. A few days went by and I called john and asked him to meet me at my office to find out where we stood with the money guy partnering up with us. He said that the guy’s lawyer was looking over the deal and would get back with me soon. Well that’s when things got me worried. I have a couple weeks left before I could not make payroll. And he told me not to worry it the deal will be done by then. I started to get very nervous even though he said not to worry, for it would be done by then. I guess I was so stressed because I had everything I had on the line and everything I didn’t have on the line and what worried me the most was the fact I had over 100 employees with families that counted on that paycheck every week. Well I kept it to myself. A week went by and I called the money guy and he said he was sorry he and his wife was on the road with his RV something they did often. I said after that week I had enough to make it for one more week and I need to close the deal up so we could move forward and then he told me he would be back in a week. So two days before I would pay out the last of the funds I had. With no income coming in for two weeks I was freaking. He told me he would call. Well he didn’t call until that Monday and said he was still on the road and he is sorry for his lawyer taking so long. And asked what I needed to get by and I told him I needed $100,000.00 and he told me to get John to put together the paperwork and I would have the money to float until we closed the deal. so that Saturday he got home we meet at a lawyers office John got who would work on a Saturday. when the money guy showed up he introduced me to his wife she was this little 85 plus old white lady witch don’t mean much but I thought she was at least be his age of around 60 and at least colored like he was I was shocked a little but whatever my wife and I signed the paperwork for the loan not worry about it for he would be investing 5 million dollars soon and plus I had the funds to pay the loan back coming in from my jobs the following week. The lawyer told me that there was a clause in the promissory note that they could put a lien on my property if it wasn’t paid back. Well like I said I didn’t think too much about it because I knew I had the funds coming in to cover the loan witch was due in 30 days ,well I paid it back within two weeks . And when I ask him what the holdup was and that things were bad he told me just little things were being corrected. so later that week my lawyer called his lawyer to talk about the deal and it was not even close to being ok his lawyer changed so much so I called the money guy and told him everything has changed from what we talked about he told me he would talk to his lawyer. And straighten it out. Then I said I needed more money to cover costs and it would be a little while before I could pay it back so I really needed to either close this deal or start closing down divisions. And he was the one who told me to get this all up and going before he invested and now I might have to close things up. He told me he would give me another $100,000.00 to hold the company over and not to worry about it for he wanted to hire me to remodel his home which should cover most the loan cost. Well I was now mad but I had to do it to cover payroll. We made plans to meet at that lawyer’s office again whom I thought worked for me because I paid him. well my wife and I went to meet them and no one was there it took me an hour to finally get in touch with him and he told me to get in touch with john the guy he had me hire and when I did, john said the money guy can’t make it but he has the check. Then he said sign the paperwork at lawyer’s office and then come meet him to pick up check. Well I signed the paperwork the lawyer’s secretary had. Then went to meet him I thought it was funny that this guy john was now handling this money guys business for him but whatever. When I got to the restaurant he told me just give him a check postdated for when the loan was due and I told him I talked to the money guy and we were going to do some work at his mansion so no need to give him a postdated check. Well he told me that the money guy said get a check postdated. So I called the money guy and he did not answer and john said he was out on his boat and he could not be reached so I really needed the money to cover payroll so I said I would straighten it out later with the money guy and get the check back. I just needed to get the funds in my bank account so I gave him the check postdated and I was off. Well I called the money guy that night and he said he would meet me Friday morning with all the paperwork done so we could close the deal and it was done just the way we talked about and also could I meet him at his house Monday to start working there. That Monday I meet him to discuss with him and his wife what I could do for them and even though it did not equal 100,000.00 it was around 60,000.00 worth of work. Well when I pulled up to his house it was very large And they were out back having coffee and who was there but john sitting with them. I just was in shock just a little. I of course I did not say much. Just met with his wife gave her a price and set up the work for the next day. As I was leaving I asked for the check back and he said he would bring it Friday morning. I said ok and I loaded up his house with guys. Plumbers, carpenters, electricians, painters, my millwork guys, and a guy to run the job. We were painting 24karat gold paint so it was not a cheap job but I would be done soon within a week with the amount of guys I put on the job and we did a great job. We were just about done when Friday came. Our meeting was at one o’clock and I was excited because for a few weeks I have been stressed out because this was a deal that was supposed to been closed weeks ago. Well 9:30 am December 2, 2011 that was the day it all went all downhill. John came to my office and I said hey what’s up and he was early the meeting was at one. He said he knew and if he could have a moment of my time privately. And I said sure. And off to my office we went we sat down and he handed me paperwork and said it was a contract and he said sign it, well of course I said my lawyer needs to look it over and he would be there at noon. He said to me just sign the papers and go home he was taking over. he told me the money guy was taking over all my jobs and the company and I was going to be the face of the company not the owner, he didn’t need me except for the company operating under mine and my guys licenses. he told me he knows if I don’t except the money guys terms that he would watch me crumble I was so mad I told him I threw the contract back at him and told him to get off my property. Then I got in my truck and left, I needed time alone and I didn’t want anyone knowing what just happened . first of all I was not going to meet payroll and I needed to think of what to do. so the first thing I did was find out where I was on all my jobs knowing I could not afford to finish them up I asked meet with the owner of the construction companies and told them what happened and asked them to help me finish up the jobs with money that was due on the jobs. I was ok with a few but not all so as you can expect things went real bad with jobs and the guys finding out what happened. After talking with the guys even though I didn’t have the funds right that week to pay them I told them I would pay as soon as I got it but I needed to finish up the jobs. They did finish up the jobs. They all knew it was the end. And I struggled to keep things afloat. And I had to lay off 90% of my company and the other 10% went soon after. as this was going on I decided to try to sell my house I was building, and if I didn’t think things could get any worse I found out the first loan I got from this money guy had a quick claim deed not a lien on my property like I was told and he filed the quick claim the next day. So I could not use the equity I had in my house to try to start over. Then I get a call from the guys I had working at this money guys house. saying he didn’t need them anymore even though we only had one day left to finish so at least I could pay most of the loan back from this jerk. Well then I get a call from john saying that he worked for the money guy all along and that they were not paying the $60,000.00 bill from house and they wanted their $100,000.00 paid in full. I told him I would come up with some money after I deduct the cost of the work at his house. At that time. I also wanted to know what is going on with my house what gave them the right to steal my house. And he said because they can and they are selling it. I lost it at this point and called my lawyer and he flipped first at me for not getting involved in the first 100,000.00 loan even though I told him I didn’t think much of it because I had the money to pay that back within two weeks witch I did pay it back. Then he put a les pendence on the property so they could not do anything with it. they filed that quick claim way before the second note of 100,000.00 was even due. Then on the day the second note was due they tried to cash the check knowing I didn’t have the funds. Then they filed it with the state attorney and I went there to the state attorney’s office and I told him everything and he said he felt for me but I had to pay the check and the money guy said also he wanted 15,000.00 for interest and for the inconvenience. so I went to a friend and told her what was going on and that I could end up in jail if I didn’t come up with the 115,000.00 in two days and she lent it to me on the assumption that I would pay this guy and get my house back and I would sell it and pay her back. so then I called the money guy and he would not take my calls so I called john his guy and told them I had the money to pay the note and I wanted my quick claim back and he said fine when the note was paid they would get me the quick claim back to me. well they didn’t as so as I paid the state attorney they called me and said thanks for paying the note and thanks for all the work at his house and thanks for the new home I gave them and good luck trying to take them to court because they knew I did not have the funds to sue them and they had so much money they will drag it out for years. At that time I was lost and didn’t know where to turn. I lost everything my business, my home, I was indebted to my friend 115,000.00 and I had nothing, I was dead in the water. Well my lawyer said he would help me out and take the case and I could pay him later. Thank god for that but I was still in trouble. over the next 17 months I went through hell not having much work just doing small jobs to keep afloat barley my wife and I had to get food assistance from the state to feed my kids in and out of court trying to stop from getting evicted from our house all while looking at my house across the street half built. Well I had to settle out of court agreeing to note to go after anyone involved with the money guy and I had to turn the money I borrowed from my friend into a 4 month note. The deal was I get the deed back and then I get a loan on the property to pay her back and finish the house and sell it. that way I could get a new start well here we are 3 weeks away from that note due and because this money guy put me in this position I cannot get the money to pay the note or finish the house due to not having the funds to get the loan everyone wants me to have more skin in the game. so if I don’t pay the note on September 30, 2013 she will have the right to sell the house to get whatever she can get to pay the note and I will end up with nothing and broke so please anyone out there help my family and I. there is money to be made here on the house so I am not asking for free money I am asking for help for me to save my family. Even though I don’t want to sell the house I was building for my family to grow up in I need to so we can start over. I have all documents and the deed in hand to show you.so thank you for taking the time to listen to me. So please reach out to us if you can help us. So as it stands we need : 1. $130,000.00 for the note 2. $150,000.00 to finish home 3. $ 40,000,00 10% interest on loan 4. $ 69,000.00 in taxes carrying costs and current bills $389,000.00 this is what we need to borrow for a fresh start The house will sell for the $490,000.00 appraised value when finished even if we sold it for a $50,000.00 discount we still win. This is where we stand so please someone help us
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 17:03:20 +0000

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