HKDCS Press Release (June 18, 2013) Latest Abundance Estimate of - TopicsExpress


HKDCS Press Release (June 18, 2013) Latest Abundance Estimate of Chinese White Dolphins in Hong Kong Reaching a Record-Low in 2012 Significant decline in abundance, reaching the lowest in past decade Since a significant declining trend in the abundance of Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong was detected in recent years, Dr. Samuel Hung (Chairman of Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society (HKDCS)) has been closely monitoring their numbers. According to his latest research data collected in 2012, Dr. Hung revealed that the combined estimate of dolphin numbers in Northwest, Northeast and West Lantau (three main areas of occurrence) was 61 dolphins. This figure was considerably lower than the estimates in the previous two years of monitoring (2010: 75; 2011: 78). It was also the lowest in the past decade of monitoring, going down from 158 dolphins in 2003 to only 61 dolphins in 2012. In all three areas, a significant declining trend in dolphin numbers was detected. During 2000-12, an 80% decline was detected in Northeast Lantau. In West Lantau, where important dolphin habitats have been identified in the past decade, there was a 70% decline from 54 dolphins to only 17 dolphins between 2007-12. In Northwest Lantau, after a continuous decline from 2001-08, dolphin numbers appeared to have stabilized in the most recent years. Impact of HK-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge According to the analysis by Dr. Hung, such a dramatic decline in dolphin numbers was likely contributed to by various construction works in association with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB). Since 2011, reclamation works for the artificial islands in Guangdong waters (just adjacent to the West Lantau waters off Tai O) have been under way. Coincidentally, dolphin numbers experienced a noticeable drop in recent years, especially between 2010-12. In addition, the Hong Kong Link Road bridge construction just began in early 2013, which will introduce even more acoustic disturbance to the dolphins in the next few years, further threatening their usage of this important habitat. The situation is even more worrisome in Northeast Lantau. Reclamation work for the HK Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) in association with the HZMB construction commenced in March 2012. Dolphin numbers in Northeast Lantau where HKBCF reclamation is taking place dropped over 60% between 2011 and 2012, reaching the lowest since 2001. Evidently, dolphin usage in this area has been hampered by the intensive high-speed ferry traffic from the Sky Pier, by creating more obstacles for dolphins to travel between Northwest and Northeast Lantau. With the additional threat from the 160 hectares of reclamation works of HKBCF, some dolphins have apparently shifted their range use out of this important dolphin habitat in 2012. During the EIA stage, the Highways Department has already made a firm commitment to establish a marine park around the Brothers Islands, adjacent to the HKBCF work site, as a compensation measure. However, such marine park establishment can only proceed as early as 2016. It is a concern that such measure may no longer be effective in light of the on-going dredging from the contaminated mud pits at South Brothers, as well as the new reclamation proposals in the nearby Siu Ho Wan (150 hectares) and Tung Chung East (120 hectares) by CEDD. Although the dolphin numbers appear to have stabilized in Northwest Lantau after experiencing a continuous decline earlier, there are also imminent threats to the dolphins in this region. These include the 650-hectare reclamation proposal by the Airport Authority for the third runway construction, and the 300-hectare reclamation proposal by CEDD under the Enhancing Land Supply Strategy. These two projects, involving massive reclamation works, will undoubtedly add a tremendous amount of pressure to dolphin survival in western Hong Kong waters. Implement conservation measures & review cumulative impacts With the mounting pressure from various reclamation proposals in North Lantau waters in the next decade, including the airport’s third runway proposal, Tung Chung East new town development proposal, recent proposals at Siu Ho Wan, Lung Kwu Tan and Sunny Bay, the dolphins in Hong Kong are at a crossroads where they will face an uphill battle to continue to survive in Hong Kong waters. If the authorities cannot revert the declining trend in dolphin numbers in Hong Kong, the long-term goal of the Chinese White Dolphin Conservation Plan by AFCD will never be fulfilled, which stated “to enable the Chinese White Dolphins to continue to use waters of Hong Kong SAR as a portion of their population range and to enhance the continued survival of this dolphin population inhabiting the Pearl River Estuary.” In order to ensure their usage of Hong Kong waters in the future, HKDCS urges the Hong Kong government to establish more protected areas in western and southern Lantau waters immediately, and the Highways Department to ensure that the HZMB-related construction activities will not affect the dolphin usage in Hong Kong by re-examining their various mitigation measures. Moreover, in light of the declining numbers of dolphins, HKDCS suggests a presumption against further reclamation in northern Lantau waters until the declining trend of dolphin numbers has been reversed. The authorities should urgently implement conservation measures to improve the worsening environment in western waters of Hong Kong, and coordinate different project proponents (e.g. Airport Authority, CEDD, Highways Department) and government departments (AFCD, EPD and Marine Department) to conduct overall cumulative impact assessments on the marine environment, such as a “Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)” in North Lantau waters and an assessment of environmental carrying capacity using the dolphins as an important bio-indicator. It is also the hope of HKDCS that Hong Kong citizens can actively participate in the public consultations of various infrastructure proposals by sending their comments and voicing their concerns on behalf of the dolphins.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:48:54 +0000

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