HMM, THIS IS GOING TO GET A LOT OF COMMENTS! Hey zane!! I always read your posts.just love them and the great advice you give.. Ok im 26,mother of 4 student@sowella in Louisiana, i work @a bank in Texas. Reason being when i was working at the Casino, i decided to go to school where i worked at til some bs happened and started working in Texas. Well my situation is im @a stand still in my life. Im not very happy with my gf and i already know ima hear harsh comments for this buttt once we actually met in person after talking on the phone for a few months, i was just like totally turned off. It wasnt the fact she was prego but her just in overall. Then once we started chillin together in person i hear things like she told about a woman she met in bar and hooked up with her and her Babys father inboxs her,and also she cant hold a con ersation to save her damn damn communication is basics of a freakn relationship and acts likes a 13yr old!!! idk zane ..immm just stuck cuz i dont wanna hurt her especially when she due next month . Im wanting to settle down and be married. I prayed on this situation and the answer im clear on yet. Ive tried talking to some men and tf,some cant hold a great conversation, some i just dont know ..ugh!!!!!!!! Im stuck, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! MY RESPONSE: Young Lady, you need to get it together and I am not going to sugarcoat this at all. You have four kids and you are trying to get established in a career. You are saying that you want to get married but you are not even sure if you prefer a man or a woman. You are with a woman you met after phoners for several months and she is pregnant by a man and has baby daddy drama going on. You are not attracted to her and you cannot carry a conversation with her and you just dont know what? If you should continue trying to find a man, even though you are currently in a lesbian relationship? If you should continue to lead a woman on that you have no interest in to protect her feelings, instead of telling her the truth now? I get it. You are all mixed up but that does not mean you need to play with the lives of others. You are in a new state and I assume your four kids are there with you. They need some stability in their lives. Concentrate on your career and raising your children. The man OR woman for you will come along with the time is right. At the moment, you have way too much going on to be in a relationship with anyone. Good luck.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:54:17 +0000

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